Article | doug \

Source: Python Technology “ID: pythonall”

PyCharm, as the best IDE tool, has a variety of operations, which is a basic skill that senior developers must be familiar with.

Today I will recommend you some efficient operation of the show. Let you from CV engineer to the next level.

0x01 Replacing background Image

Ha, everyday work is in the face of a pile of code sometimes also feel very annoying is it, especially looking for bugs for a long time still can not locate the problem, this time reflects the benefits of men and women collocation work not tired, through the replacement of IDE background so that your programmer encourage teacher every day is not the same. \

The Preferences -> Appearance -> Background Image

I’m sure you know a lot more about where to find the hd pictures of the programmer motivator than I do.

0x02 Opens the recently opened file

Sometimes there are too many files open, the TAB bar will be occupied, want to locate the desired file or very troublesome, at this time this shortcut key operation comes in handy, “Command + E”, you can directly open your recently edited file, convenient and fast, press two have surprise oh.

0x03 Viewing source Code

You can use “Command + B” to quickly locate the position of the defined variable, or you can use “Command + B” to direct the internal implementation of the function after the cursor is positioned at the function position. Especially handy when looking at open source code.

0x04 Opens a new line

When writing programs, we often need to wrap a line. This is a general operation. If you place the cursor at the end or the beginning of a line and then press Enter to wrap a line, it’s a little inefficient. Wherever your cursor is on a line, open a new line after the line with Shift Enter and open a new line before the line with Command + option + Enter.

0x05 Quick Return

I usually use this with “Command + E”, if you want to go to a newly edited file, you can use “Command + Option + arrow” to quickly jump to the location you just edited, not only in different files, but also in the same file.

0x06 Find class/file

When you want to quickly search for a class or file, you can double-click Shift and type in what you want. Also, if you are sure that you are searching for a class, you can use command + O to enable precise search. If you are searching for a file, you can use Command + Shift + O to enable precise search.

0x07 Automatically clears unreferenced packages

Sometimes it’s annoying to see all those gray-colored import files. Do you have to delete them one by one? Of course not, you can simply “command + option + O” to clear them in one click.


Today, I have spread some efficient operation of PyCharm to you, hoping to help you in your work and study.

PS: Reply “Python” within the public number to enter the Python novice learning exchange group, together with the 100-day plan!

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