I wrote an article titled “It’s hard to live in second-tier cities, do you want to go back to first-tier cities?” It mentioned the outsourcing of programmers, so many friends asked me privately:

Second brother, I also want to receive outsourcing, but DO not know where to receive, can you introduce some?

In fact, the most direct way to receive outsourcing is to introduce acquaintances. There is no secret. There is only one rule in business: start with someone you know.

For the outsourcing of this matter, both praise and criticism. Do you want outsourcing or not? Why don’t you take a small bench, along with a bag of melon seeds, to hear what I think of this matter.

01. Ways to make money on your side business

There are many ways to make money on your side business besides outsourcing, some of which are easy to do and some of which require some skill. I will just say some of the things I have done, and continue to do, these people can try, there is no difficulty, the only need is persistence.

1) Share the commission

Is it a little surprising, a little surprising that the first one is sharing commissions? This method is estimated that we have not rarely seen in the circle of friends, it is estimated that 90% of people have also operated, very universal. Let me simulate the process.

Old wang new out of a course, called “Java self-study refers to the north”, for this course, old Wang is dedicated. With excitement, Lao Wang shared this course in his moments.

Good friend old ma saw. For the sake of their great friendship, Lao Ma not only bought and supported the course, but also forwarded the course to moments of friends. At that time, the poster began with six eye-catching characters: “Lao Wang recommends with all his strength”.

Xiao er, a fan of Lao Ma, saw this and thought that the course recommended by Lao Ma must be correct, so he paid 66 yuan to buy it. At the same time, old Ma received a notice on wechat: Xiao Er bought “Java Self-study Guide north” through your sharing, and you got a reward of 8.8 yuan.

Sharing rebate this way to operate is very simple, depending on whether the content you share is good enough, sharing the plan is not enough to attract the eye, sharing the audience is not enough wide. As long as these three conditions are met, you will earn a substantial commission.

2) Blog

Can blogging make money? Not really, to be honest. Today, someone asked me if I could send an advertisement with a budget of 150 yuan. I turned it down because the money was too low. Are you kidding me? At least I am a CSDN top 500 blogger.

These days, personal blogs are mostly pro bono, and few are supported by advertising (Mr. Rosson’s blog is doing well). But aggregative blogs tend to have a lot of traffic, such as “rookie tutorial”, “Push cool”, “CSDN” and so on.

3) Write an official account

Write public number, can make money? The answer is a resounding yes! If the public number of fans more than fifty thousand, basically every month food money is guaranteed.

But can the public number do more than fifty thousand fans, in addition to writing, but also understand the “operation”. As far as I know, there are many, many authors who gave up before 5,000 followers, and I almost gave up many times.

Up to now, the “Silent King ii” public account has been continuously updated for 11 months, readers rewarded more than 2,000 yuan, traffic owners advertising fees of more than 200 yuan. Although these money is insignificant in the amount, but it is the reader’s heart ah, or quite weighty, in my heart.

4) write a book

Do you make a lot of money writing books? Really too little (can not help but sad)!

The average technical book, sold 5,000 copies, is a good achievement, tens of thousands of copies are a best seller. The author’s percentage is usually 8% (price of the book * number of copies * this percentage = the author’s direct revenue). The publisher said my book, The Road to Advanced Web Full-Stack Development, had sold a satisfactory number of copies (give yourself a pat on the back).

5) submit

For now, contributing accounts for a large portion of my sideline income (2-5K per month).

The “first vote” is to CSDN’s program life public account, 100 per 1,000 characters, the title of “Programmers at the end of the year.” It gave me a shot in the arm that writing could actually make money — that was the idea at the time.

As time went on, the more original articles I shared, the more opportunities that came along, and I nailed one: I contributed six high-quality original articles in a row to the “Java Geek Tech” account (created by Pure Smile), and I became a partner of the account. After the realization of the public number, I mentioned that part of the income.

According to the feedback of my friends, there are other ways to make money from sideline business besides the above mentioned ones, such as Zhihu Live, Wukong Q&A, enterprise internal training and GitChat payment, etc., but I have not tried these, so I will skip them.

02. Outsourcing for the first time

Whether it is writing a blog, writing a public account, writing a book, contributing, or sharing commissions, these sideline ways to make money, all need a long period of time to accumulate. Because writing skills, reader base, can not be achieved overnight.

Comparatively speaking, outsourcing is more universal, with lower input cost and easier to gain profits in a short term. As long as you can program (and no programmer can’t), you have all the qualifications for outsourcing.

I got my first outsourcing job in July 2016. Before that, I had always been biased against outsourcing, with a “I’ll never outsource” attitude that only programmers who were stuck in their work would be stupid enough to do it.

Well, at the time, I did hit a brick wall at work. The company’s projects are not profitable, and there is no hope for salary increases or promotions.

Just at this time, a leader in Suzhou called me to ask if I had the intention of outsourcing. I hesitated for a week and took it. The project was done with JEPF (I didn’t contact with it before). I spent two weeks on three or four pages, but the leader said that Party A had changed the scheme and didn’t want to use JEPF to do it! As for the two weeks’ hard work, the leader said he would have the opportunity to treat me to dinner (the leader was in Suzhou and I was in Luoyang).

Although THERE are complaints in my heart, but after all is the previous leadership, did not say anything. A few days later, the leader came to me again, said that there was a new project: to do an e-commerce website. I didn’t learn the lesson of a fall into the pit, no deposit, no contract, just work. I think the leader was good to me before, should not pit me again.

After four months, the leader settled 7,200 yuan for me. Now, I was selling cheap labor, and the leaders made a lot of money in the middle.

But at the time, I was okay with it. Because of this project, I learned a lot about new technologies: JeeSite, ECharts, Maven, file breakpoint continuation, Spring Security, and more. Although it took four months to do it, the specific time spent every day is not very much, about three hours.

It was the first time to do outsourcing, and I felt ok on the whole: there was no big change in demand, and there was no shortage of balance payment. Just like the first love, although a little bitter, but also fruitful.

Outsourced dungeons

In the past four years, I have done a lot of outsourcing. Some of the clients are honest, pleasant to chat with and easy to cooperate with. But some of them really wanted to blow his head off.

1) Party A without demand documents.

2) Party A wants to build an aircraft carrier no matter how much it costs.

3) Party A delays the balance payment.

04, whether to take outsourcing

Liang Ning has an article called “Profitable things and valuable things”, there is a sentence in it is very philosophical.

To make money, the core is the interests of the moment, cash spot, will be this profit. The value thing, the core is the structural value, the time to cash out, in some future.

Is outsourcing profitable or valuable?

I have a friend, Star, who now makes 250,000 yuan a month. He started outsourcing ten years ago, and now it is scaled up. So for him, outsourcing is not only profitable, but also valuable. He told me that the projects he receives now are either replicable (reducing overall development costs) or require long-term maintenance (maintenance is cheap, but expensive).

For me, outsourcing is a profitable business, which can increase a considerable income without affecting my life and work, and without interrupting my writing.

If, like me, you’re stuck at work, have a lot of time, and don’t have anything else to do, outsourcing is fine. A good outsourcing is like a profitable open source project that not only enhances technology but also generates revenue. I can’t think of anything other than the idiom “kill two birds with one stone”.

In the case of Star and me, outsourcing is a natural choice. Because outsourcing is positive feedback for us as a whole. But not all programmers are suited to outsourcing!

If you have a job with a bright future, it’s natural to put your heart and soul into it, because it’s not just about making money, it’s about making money. Now you have a steady income from your job, and in the future, your job will give you even more. Then definitely don’t take outsourcing, because there are a lot of uncertain factors, like the unreliable party A I mentioned above. The effort you put into outsourcing is not going to pay off in the long run.

These days, I’ve been devoting most of my energy to writing, and outsourcing is no longer my top choice for a side job. Why would I do that?

Because in the long run, writing, as opposed to outsourcing, is not only profitable, but also valuable.

The day before yesterday, I posted a picture on wechat moments to commemorate CSDN’s ranking of 499. Some friends commented that “with such a high number of visits, it is much easier to receive projects.” And just to prove I’m not blowing my own trumpet, the screenshots prove my innocence.

Indeed, last month’s outsourcing was found by a fellow in Luoyang on CSDN.

05, finally

In my opinion, outsourcing is not right or wrong, nor is it expensive or cheap. Most programmers are outsourcing because they have to, and as far as I know, some of alibaba’s bigwigs are outsourcing as well.

But I want you to think about what you’re doing for before you take on outsourcing.

PS: welcome to pay attention to “Silent King ii” public account, background reply keyword “2048”, you can get free “1W+ advanced required reading data package for programmers”!!