
Recently, on December 28, the day before yesterday, the video of the layoff of Shenzhou Youche leaked out. The programmer who was laid off was the HR of Shenzhou Youche. The HR of Shenzhou Youche stressed that the contract was terminated unilaterally and read the dismissal treaty at the station.

“We are now notice you, disobey can go to arbitration!” A defiant and go to tell, say is how strong, how the heart!

After all, this one got fired and this one turns six months in two days.

Video link: mpvideo qpic. Cn / 0 bf2haaacaa…

The video has been streamed more than 200,000 times so far. When asked further about the situation, HR said:

“If you have any opinions, go to the arbitration commission. We have already reported your situation to the arbitration Commission.”

The VIDEO shows how unreasonable and lawless the company is when it comes to lay-offs.

China best car

At present, shenzhou Youche’s main businesses include Shenzhou Special Car, an online car-hailing platform based on B2C mode, Shenzhou Maijia Car, an auto e-commerce platform combining online and offline, and Shenzhou Auto Flash Loan, a one-stop auto finance service. Revenue halved to a loss of 652 million yuan in the first half. From the perspective of financial data, China Auto achieved revenue of 1.919 billion yuan in the first half of the year, down 48.98% year-on-year, and net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was -652 million yuan, down 550.28% year-on-year.

Business is good or bad, but that’s not a reason to fire programmers violently. Market strategy can be adjusted, if a company loses its morality, that is, its people, it is difficult for such a company to achieve great things!

There are many ways to force layoffs

The company’s “violent layoff” means are full of tricks, can not help but remind me of a period of time ago, in order to not pay compensation, let employees leave automatically, and HR summed up a set of “HR does not spend a penny to fire employees the most complete network manual”, divided into “initial version”, “advanced version”, “advanced version”, “follow-up version”.

Don’t you see, the office sad white hair, layoff routines and deep.

In the face of such hardline violence, we can start with the following points

First, don’t panic and get emotional when you are fired for no reason. The other side should remove general metropolis early days talk, after feeling wrong, want to collect and preserve evidence actively, conditional word, had better consult a lawyer how should do

Second, evidence must be collected. Should have the original of the contract, payroll to save, punch records, attendance records, working records, and in this case the recording, capture the evidence collection and preservation, especially about the position adjustment in the contract, pay, pay, terminate the contract, or even default clause of social security is the need to focus on the contract carefully!

Third, no matter what time, as long as you maintain your technical strength, the platform and you are separate, the platform’s ability, does not represent your ability, at the same time, the company platform to cut you, does not mean you can not, you can quickly find the next one. Separate your company’s capabilities from your own and continuously improve your own technical capabilities.

Fourthly, keep the news straight. Listen to both sides, most programmers are more honest, concentrate on their own coding work, other things turn a deaf ear. I’ve even seen programmers who were the last ones to find out after the company went bankrupt, but that makes sense because programmers are out of the market

The last

I hope you have a basic judgment of the industry you are engaged in, especially some start-up companies. If the logic is illogical and the fundamentals are very bad, it is necessary to stop your losses and get out in time. This also requires long-term attention to industry information and more exchanges with peers.

What do you think about layoffs by force? See you in the comments.

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