The fast pace of life makes it hard to sit down and think, what else can I do at 82?

If your answer is, “THERE’s nothing I can do,” then you really should learn about the inspirational life of today’s 82-year-old grandmother.

Retired bank employee Masako Wakamiya, 82, who only learned to code in early 2017, has developed Hinadan, a free iOS game that translates to hinamatani Altar.

The saying “live and learn” is simple, but there are many obstacles to taking action.


Wakamiya invited software developers to step in to fill a gap in the market for “mobile games for the elderly”, but they showed no interest and suggested she make her own games instead.

She took the advice and soon bought coding books and traveled 200 miles from home to kanagawa prefecture to take a programmer’s course, learning Apple’s Swift programming language through Facebook Messenger and Skype.

The game now has nearly five stars on Apple’s App Store, is aimed at an older Audience in Japan and has been downloaded more than 53,000 times worldwide. Wakamiya is currently busy planning English, Chinese and French versions of the game……

A game written by Grandma Wakamiya

Many people do a thing before, will first find a person to ask, I do this thing is good, good, there is no use.

If Wakamiya had asked the Internet before developing the game: Would it be too late to learn programming at 80? The answer is predictable.

It is quite a feat for Wakamiya to ignore the age of 29-year-old employees at Facebook and 31-year-old employees at Apple, who are considered middle-aged by default.

Although her story may sound improbable, Wakamiya is not the only silver-haired developer.

In 2015, Australian grandmother Millie Brown, then 98, created an amazing app called “Millie’s Game.”

In 2017, Mr. Chen, a dormitory administrator at Ningbo University, developed a dormitory management system to make it easier for everyone to check information, and became an Internet celebrity on campus.

Uncle Chen who develops dormitory management system

If middle-aged people like Uncle Chen and elderly people like Grandma Wakamiya can actively prepare for the coming of the era of ARTIFICIAL intelligence, why not take action and let our children take action to learn programming and meet the future?


Wakamu’s actions have been hailed as a “feat”, and Chen has become an Internet celebrity on campus, because they both use procedures to solve practical problems, both spiritual and human.

Replacing costly and inefficient human Labour with higher technology is a trend across all industries.

  • A financial robot has been developed that can complete 15 minutes of work in one minute and can work 24 hours *7 days a week without sleep.
  • A financial service robot can do as much work in one minute as an analyst can do in 40 hours. Analysts are paid $350,000 a year, and they don’t get paid a salary and they make no mistakes.
  • Google Assistant, which was unveiled at Google’s developer conference last week, can help humans book restaurants, movie theaters, travel agencies… Comparable to personal smart butlers. By the end of the event, many users were taken aback by how smart Google Assistant was.
  • Hadrian X, an Australian robot bricklayer, can lay 1,000 bricks in an hour! It can also work 24 hours a day and build an entire house in two days!

  • Not only that, Hadrian X can handle bricks of different sizes and sizes, as well as cutting and grinding bricks.

It can be said that AI will subvert human social order faster and faster, setting off a new revolutionary wave.

The ai revolution of the future will be on a par with the industrial revolution in scale, and potentially far faster and more dramatic.


It is not some people who need to face the era of artificial intelligence, but every one of us.

On June 1, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League released a video on Weibo, inviting stars to help in the new era of AI, including Zhou Dongyu, Li Chen, Tong Liya, Zheng Kai, Zhou Bichang, Zhang Yishan, Liu Haoran and Wu Lei, to say “Every child should learn programming”.

And shouted out the inspiring slogan: programming to the future, science and technology power dream.

From putting programming on the college entrance exam to mobilizing streaming stars to advocate the learning of programming, parents with a keen sense of smell have found that the importance of programming is becoming increasingly prominent. The earlier children are exposed to it, the more they can control the competition in the digital age.

At the Big Data Summit in Guizhou in 2017, Jack Ma made such a surprising speech:

“If we continue to teach our children the way we used to, by memorizing, reciting and calculating these things, and not letting our children experience them, not letting them learn to play the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, I can guarantee that in 30 years our children will not have a job!”

Music, so that children can produce a source of wisdom;

Play chess, let children understand the pattern, layout, and give up;

Poetry, let children know how to persist;

Drawing cultivates imagination.

All these seemingly useless “experiences” are actually fostering creativity — the ability to change the world.

And the traditional rote memorization, lack of creativity, has been gradually taken over by artificial intelligence.

Don’t blame AI for stealing your job. Even the top talents in the industry are sloths in front of AI that never sleeps day and night, never makes mistakes and makes calculations in seconds.


A 2013 article on the website of Stanford University’s School of Education, “Learning to Code Isn’t Enough,” emphasizes that it’s not just about Learning to code, it’s more about developing programming minds.

What is programming thinking? Is to solve problems in an orderly way.

Over the next 50 years, programming thinking and the ability to code will become as much a standard as a foreign language is now in the job market, and will become one of the basic skills in the workplace.

Even the 82-year-old silver-haired grandmother saw the trend of the development of The Times. If a child is still learning by rote, neglecting the cultivation of creativity and the development of programming thinking, it is really waiting for the flood of The Times to be eliminated.

The dream of science and technology power, everyone to the future, and programming, is undoubtedly the fastest access to science and technology!

Parents do not hesitate to let their children contact programming, is in line with the future!