Several ways to de-duplicate lists

Here I would like to share a few ways to re-list, sort it out, if there are any mistakes, please feel free to comment.

1. The Streamdistinct()methods

Distinct () is a method provided by Stream in Java 8 that returns a Stream composed of different elements from that Stream. Distinct () uses the hashCode() and eqauls() methods to get different elements. Therefore, classes that need to be de-weighted must implement the hashCode() and equals() methods. In other words, we can override our custom hashCode() and equals() methods to achieve de-weighting for specific requirements.

The distinct() method is declared as follows:

Stream<T> distinct(a);
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1.1 forStringDeduplicating the list

Because the String class has overridden the equals() and hashCode() methods, it can override success.

public void listDistinctByStreamDistinct(a) {
  // 1. De-duplicates the String list
  List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>() {{
  out.print("Before reloading:");
  for (String s : stringList) {
  stringList =;
  out.print("After weight removal:");
  for (String s : stringList) {
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The results are as follows:

Before deduplication: AABBC after deduplication: ABCCopy the code

1.2 De-duplication of the entity class list

Note: we used it in the codeLombokThe plug-in@DataNotes, which can be overwritten automaticallyequals()As well ashashCode()Methods.

/** * defines an entity class */ 
public class Student {
  private String stuNo;
  private String name;
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public void listDistinctByStreamDistinct(a) throws JsonProcessingException {
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    // 1. Delete the Student list
    List<Student> studentList = getStudentList();
    out.print("Before reloading:");
    studentList =;
    out.print("After weight removal:");
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The results are as follows:

Before deduplication: [{"stuNo":"001"."name":"Tom"}, {"stuNo":"002"."name":"Mike"}, {"stuNo":"001"."name":"Tom"}] : [{"stuNo":"001"."name":"Tom"}, {"stuNo":"002"."name":"Mike"}]
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2. According toList<Object>ObjectAn attribute is deduplicated

2.1 Create a list

  public void distinctByProperty1(a) throws JsonProcessingException {
    // The first method is to create a new list of only different elements to implement a certain attribute of the object
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    List<Student> studentList = getStudentList();

    out.print("Before reloading :");
    studentList =;
    out.print("Distinct removed :");
    // Here we introduce two static methods and TreeSet<> to get different elements
    // 1. import static;
    // 2. import static;
    studentList =
        toCollection(() -> new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparing(Student::getName))), ArrayList::new)); out.print("After removal by name :");
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The results are as follows:

Before going to heavy: [{"stuNo":"001"."name":"Tom"}, {"stuNo":"001"."name":"Tom"}, {"stuNo":"003"."name":"Tom"}] distinct :[{"stuNo":"001"."name":"Tom"}, {"stuNo":"003"."name":"Tom"} [{}}"stuNo":"001"."name":"Tom"}]
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2.2 throughfilter()methods

First we create a method as a parameter to stream.filter () that returns type Predicate and determines whether an element can be added to the Set as follows:

private static <T> Predicate<T> distinctByKey(Function<? superT, ? > keyExtractor) {
    Set<Object> seen = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
    return t -> seen.add(keyExtractor.apply(t));
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Use as follows:

  public void distinctByProperty2(a) throws JsonProcessingException {
    // In the second method, we use filtering to implement de-weighting based on an object attribute
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    List<Student> studentList = getStudentList();

    out.print("Before reloading :");
    studentList =;
    out.print("Distinct removed :");
    // Here we are taking the distinctByKey() method as an argument to filter() to filter out elements that cannot be added to set
    studentList =;
    out.print("After removal by name :");
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The results are as follows:

Before going to heavy: [{"stuNo":"001"."name":"Tom"}, {"stuNo":"001"."name":"Tom"}, {"stuNo":"003"."name":"Tom"}] distinct :[{"stuNo":"001"."name":"Tom"}, {"stuNo":"003"."name":"Tom"} [{}}"stuNo":"001"."name":"Tom"}]
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3. Summary

These are some of the ways TO de-weight lists that I’m going to share with you. Of course, I didn’t go into a more detailed performance analysis here, but HOPEFULLY I’ll go down and re-analyze it later. If there is a mistake, but also hope to give advice.

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