Everyone in the use of network disk, must be able to bear the speed limit download speed. Today, I would like to share with you an open source web disk download project called BaiduPCS-Go. Go language preparation, imitation Linux shell file processing command baidu network disk command line client. Multi-platform support, support Windows, macOS, Linux, mobile devices, etc.

Client download

The download address of the project. Select the corresponding download package based on your operating system. The decompressed download directory is as follows:

The initial state

Download files/directories The default local path is in the Download folder. You can specify the local path for downloading files/directories using commands.

Since the README covers the use of command-line commands in detail, I’ll cover only a few of the main features:

The login

BaiduPCS-Go login
Copy the code

The login

List the directory

Lists the files and directories of the current working directory or the specified directory

BaiduPCS-Go ls BaiduPCS-Go lsCopy the code

Switching working Directory

BaiduPCS-Go cdThe < directory >Copy the code

Switching working Directory

Download files/directories

BaiduPCS -go Download < Path of web disk files or directories 1> < File or directory 2> < File or directory 3>... BaiduPCS -go d < Path of web disk File or directory 1> < File or directory 2> < File or directory 3>...Copy the code

### This parameter is optional

-status: outputs the working status of all threads. --save: directly saves the downloaded files to the current working directory. --saveto: directly saves the downloaded files to the specified directory. -p <num>: Specifies the maximum number of concurrent downloadsCopy the code

Random screenshots, download speed is quite to force!

Download files/directories

Upload files/directories

Baidupcs-go upload < local file/directory path 1> < file/directory 2> < file/directory 3>... < target directory > Baidupcs-go u < local file/directory path 1> < File/directory 2> < File/directory 3>... < Destination directory >Copy the code
  • The uploaded file will be saved to the < destination directory >.
  • Encounter the same file will automatically overwrite!!
  • If the file name to be uploaded is the same as the directory name of the web disk, the directory will not be overwritten to prevent data loss.

Upload files/directories

List the directory after uploading:

The uploaded directory

Isn’t that great? Tools of conscience, use them!


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