In the Python back-end world, validating the parameters of a front-end request is often a tedious task. After investigating a series of open source frameworks, I did not find a lightweight and convenient solution, so I developed pyVali and basically achieved the expected goal. Readers can install pyVali through PIP Install.

The brief usage is as follows:

from pyVali import Int, Float, Str, Dict, List

value = {
    "user_id": "32495732"."score": 3.5."telephone": "13234566543"."user_type": 2."question_list": [{
        "question_id": "asdfsdf"."question": "Hello?"."answer": "I'm fine. Who are you?"."status": 0,
schema = Dict({
    "user_id": Int(comment="User id",),"score": Float(comment="User rating", min_value=0, max_value=5),
    "telephone": Str(comment="Subscriber's Phone Number", min_length=11, 
                     max_length=11, pattern=r"^1[3456789]\d{9}$"),
    "user_type": Int(comment="User Type", enum=[0, 1, 2, 3]),
    "question_list": List(
            {"question_id": Str(comment="The question id"),
             "question": Str(comment="Problem"),
             "answer": Str(comment="Answer"),
             "status": Int(comment="State")},
        comment="List of Questions", )
errMsg, value = schema.validate(value)
if errMsg:
    raise Exception(errMsg)
print(errMsg, value)
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