As a programmer, the most afraid is to repeatedly build wheels this kind of physical work, in fact, there are many good open source framework on the market now, has helped you build, just waiting for you to use, today we introduce a very rare CMS background management system based on GF(Go Frame). The front end of the system adopts RuoYI-UI, Vue and Element UI, and the back end adopts GO language framework GF(GO Frame) to separate the front and back ends.

! [share a kick-ass GO language of free, open source CMS content management system] (

Gfast login page

The main functions are:

User management: Users are system operators. This function is used to configure system users.

Department management: Configure the system organization (company, department, and group) and display the data permission in a tree structure.

Position management: Configures the positions of system users.

Menu management: configure system menu, operation permission, button permission identification, etc.

Role management: Role menu permission assignment and role setting Data scope permission division by organization.

Dictionary management: Maintenance of fixed data that is often used in the system.

Parameter management: Dynamically configure common system parameters.

Operation logs: Record and query system operation logs. Record and query system exception information.

Login log: System login log query contains login exceptions.

Online user: monitors the status of active users in the current system.

Scheduled task: Online (add, modify, or delete) task scheduling includes execution result logs.

Code generation: Generation of back-end code.

Service monitoring: Monitors the current system CPU, memory, disk, and stack information.

Online builder: Drag form elements to generate the corresponding HTML code.

File uploads, cache labels, etc.

CMS management, model management

Features in development: workflow engine

! [share a kick-ass GO language of free, open source CMS content management system] (
! [share a kick-ass GO language of free, open source CMS content management system] (
! [share a kick-ass GO language of free, open source CMS content management system] (

Demo address

Demo.g-fast. Cn Account: Demo Password: 123456

Front end split version download address:

Code cloud back-end address:… Code cloud front-end address:… Github back-end address:… Github front-end address:…

At present, the system has many people in use, from the quality of the code personally feel very good, the code style is completely like a hand, worth recommending a CMS background management system.