He received the interview questions from his friend in the past two days, and he successfully received the offer from Baidu not long ago.
My friend has been working in IT industry for several years and is very good at source code analysis and data structure
Led the team to develop e-commerce, education and some big data projects, with an excellent resume rating in Baidu.
So I’m not surprised he made it to Dachang.
He said: If you can do these interview questions to 70% of the level, basically progressive big factory is not too big a problem.
Share this topic here and see if you and the big factory programmers are just at the level of bug fixing?
Baidu Senior Java R&D Engineer interview question:
1. Why isn’t HashMap thread safe?
2.ConcurrentHashmap implementation?
3. Thread pool (what does it contain, core, Max connection) principle?
5. Synchronized principles?
6. Volatile principles?
7. What is JMM (main memory, working memory, happens-before)?
8. What are the unlocked data structures? How does a lockless implementation work?
9. Design patterns (Decorator design pattern, Agent pattern, singleton pattern, factory pattern)
10. What is the design idea and netty principle of Dubbo?
11. Describe the process of the next RPC request
MySQL > create index (s);
13. How and when does B+tree split and why is it balanced?
MySQL transaction implementation principle, ACID implementation principle
MySQL > optimize table scan
16. Algorithm: there are 3n+1 numbers, among which 3n are repeated, only 1 is not repeated, how to find out?
17. What are the underlying implementation principles and mechanisms of Dubbo?
18. How does distributed system do service governance?
19. The concept of idempotence of interfaces is introduced
For the complete interview questions, please see the ↓ page
The above interview questions have been compiled into a PDF file, hoping to help you review and find a good job before the interview, and relatively save you time searching for information on the Internet to learn!!
Attached welcome to pay attention to my public variety number: IT resources of the home, scan the following two-dimensional code can receive more first-line large factory Java interview materials!
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