When I think back to the original intention of learning programming, I want to be able to do projects by myself. One is to take other people’s projects as outsourcing, and the other is to realize my own ideas and make my own products in the future. In total, there have been 6 projects with the amount of more than 1000, among which three have been completed, one has been abandoned by the buyer, one has been completely failed, and one has been partially completed. If you count the graduation project or programming homework during the school, it will be more completed. This kind of task is generally simple, and can be completed independently. The value of summary is not great.

First of all, I would like to talk about my principles for taking on projects:

  1. Make sure you have the technology to achieve it;
  2. Have relatively sufficient time, do not affect the normal work;
  3. The amount is acceptable;
  4. Not actively looking for projects, after all, not professional outsourcing;

Of the five projects (excluding the one that the buyer gave up), the first two were completed by individuals without seeking partners, for three reasons:

  1. I had enough time, because I was still in graduate school, so I had relatively free time. Even if I stayed up all night, I didn’t have to worry about getting up the next day.
  2. Projects have reference points and can focus on code implementation.
  3. There are no suitable students to do it together, based on the first two reasons, there is no effort to find.

The first project we completed together. My partner is my colleague, I can chat with him at ordinary times, and I feel that I can also use technology. At that time, I thought that I would make money together and deepen my understanding. If I have the opportunity to start a business together in the future, maybe this is the right partner. I was in charge of the back end and server, and he was in charge of the front page. The money was allocated in this way. The current project cost was 50/50, and the server renewal fee was charged by myself in the later period. The progress was smooth. I did debugging and modification of the front end in the later stage, and other work was carried out according to the division of labor. This small project is successfully completed, the buyer is still in renewal status.

A total failure. Or the same partner, that work is not too tight, just a project comes in, then again team. This project is a small program project, probably in April 2018. Since the official release of small programs in 2017, we have talked about the topic of small programs. During the conversation, I felt that he had a certain understanding of small programs. I also read the documents of small programs and had a basic understanding of the technologies and workflow required in small programs. After the project start, began to do their job, his front end, the client and server, after I half way through the time, I only see a few pages, so the spare time also sheepishly ask progress, and told him “you look at progress do it slowly, with your technology should have no difficulty”, see to the project time limit, but he can’t get any code, I’m a little worried. He told me that he was leaving for a new job, and told me, “Don’t worry, we will continue to finish our small project, and don’t embarrass my brother,” so I didn’t ask any more questions, after all, it’s been a long time. A week before the project was due, my friend told me, “There are too many things at home, you can find someone else.” It is really a person to go tea cool ah, hurriedly look at their own front-end code, to see if it can be made up, after looking at the wePY framework he found, I am also very confused ah, then find other friends to put out the fire. After reading the code, my friend said that he had done too little work in the early stage and it was difficult to complete. The project was aborted and he paid a certain amount of compensation to the buyer.

A partially completed one. Some time ago, the work of the project team was relatively idle. When the project came, I took over the project. It was also a small program, and I found another friend (former colleague, because we had changed jobs) to cooperate. I finished the server and back-end code early, waiting for debugging and error handling, and my friend finished most of the pages, but the pages were very simple. Buyers look at the page after the request to modify, and give the PSD. Friends to anger, this thing to change to change to how can line, to change to let him find someone else to do it, I do not do. Sum up I was’ a few words, no matter how to coax to do something, can I get started do, this small program framework USES mpvue, crustily skin of head, boil three nights, basically completed the demand, but the buyer the loading speed and in some model can’t normal use question, proposed the big question, I also, you pay the money so point, Quality can not be compared with other formal small programs, and in the picture storage, has done a lot of improvement (using Tencent object storage), and then improve the loading speed will need to upgrade server configuration and purchase other services, finally buyers leave the deposit, the end of the project.

Several cooperation projects, a lot of feelings, the deepest feeling is that a good partner is really difficult to find. In my opinion, a partner should have the following characteristics: 1. 2. Responsibility; 3. Be willing to give; 4. Have a certain understanding of the form of products; 5. Engineering literacy is important in programming.

After several experiences, I no longer plan to take over outsourcing projects, and put more energy on realizing my own products and doing entrepreneurial projects. However, I still lack of driving force and self-control, and I always think for a while and then my mind wander too much. After careful planning and implementation, efforts to achieve as soon as possible, strive for the future to be able to market, improve efficiency for users.

Welcome to comment and exchange, I am in Xi ‘an, have the opportunity to have a friend who has the idea of starting a business.