Many people want to use short links in marketing promotion, sina short links is the first contact, service is also very stable, so the demand is also very large. According to incomplete statistics, billions of short links are generated every day. Such a huge number, is it possible to log in sina Weibo first, and then release the microblog automatically generate short links? There are two drawbacks to this approach.

Drawback 1: it’s too cumbersome. You can only generate one short link at a time. What if you need tens of thousands? Are they generated one by one?

Drawback 2: Your micro blog has many acquaintances following you, such as colleagues, classmates, relatives and friends, etc. You may not want them to see the short links you posted on micro blog. And it’s not very friendly to them. Can they be friendly when your short links flood their Tweets all day? In the end, it’s either blocking you or blocking you. It’s not worth it. So how do you solve this problem? It’s really simple.

[Sina short Link open API]

The API comes in two formats:

1: HTTP: // /shorten. Json (return result is in JSON format)

2: HTTP: // /shorten. XML (return result is XML format)

If you don’t have the technical skills and don’t want to log in sina Weibo to generate a single link, there are many third-party Sina short link generators in China, which basically can generate short links in batches without logging in Sina Weibo. Today xiaobian will sort out the best sina short link online tool ranking in 2019.

[Sina short link tool]

1: Lanhu short url

The platform’s official website:

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Longfox short url is one of the most popular short link generators. Any user can anonymously shorten their url using the platform’s short link interface, and you can track the number of visits that generate short links.

However, the platform’s free interface is generated for a limited number of times. If you want to subscribe to an unlimited number of times or more, you can open a premium account, which can generate more short connections as needed, as well as track the number of clicks and other data reports. Because of its technology and convenient link tracking, langfox short url is probably the number one link shortener currently.

2: thousand degree short url

The platform’s official website:

Short url is a short url generator that focuses on customizing and tagging short urls.

They help you set up a new short URL domain in seconds that wraps up your long url with no captcha or extra authentication. In addition to the standard short url format, you can also create your own custom short url format. This is good to help you remember and use.

Thousand waves short link

The platform’s official website:

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As mobile SEO becomes more and more important, you can get better access by optimizing and shortening web links during promotion. XXX short Link is a convenient long link shortening tool, which also allows you to batch shorten links, integrate with other applications and link tracking, which is efficient and convenient for enterprise users to use. This makes it a high quality software tool that can help you improve the efficiency of your promotion.

Drizzle short link

Platform official website: Sina

Drizzle short links is another short link generation tool that has been around for a long time. Drizzle short link can not only shorten the long link, but also arbitrarily customize its format. What makes the tool easier to use is that you can open interfaces directly and pair them into programs. For those eager to shorten long links and those in particularly high demand, drizzle short links is the best tool for you.

【 summary 】

Above is a few sina short link tool ranking with the best use at home namely at present, they are essentially without any difference, at least can meet everyone’s demand, no more than is a few advanced functions ah, after-sales service ah and so on different, we can choose according to their own situation for their promotion platform, Of course, if you take the trouble to log in sina Weibo to manually generate one.