1. In the object array, according to an attribute of each object in the array, add a new field in the object, and assign different values according to the state of the attribute

Scene 1:

  • Description: Only unit price and quantity are returned in the background. The logic needs to calculate the total price of each commodity according to the quantity and unit price
  • Scene graph:

    // The data returned by the background
    res.data=[{num:2.price:238}, {num:4.price:213},... ]// We need the data
    data = [{num:2.price:238.sumPrice:2*238}, {num:4.price:213.sumPrice:4*213}]
    // Process
    const data=res.data.map(item= > { return {num:item.name,price:item.price,sumPrice:item.num * item.price} })
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Scene 2:

  • Description: Adds a status or subscript identifier to each item in the list
  • Scene graph:

    // Background data
    res.data=[{...,status:0}, {... .status:1}]
    // We need the data
    data=[{...,status:0.isStudy:'To learn'}, {... .status:1.isStudy:'Done'}]
    // Process
    const data=res.data.map(item= > {
        if(item.status) return{... item,isStudy:'Done'}
        else return{... item,isStudy:'To learn'}})Copy the code

2. Show the details of the form and do data processing

  • Scene graph:

    / / the background data | | click details to get the entire rows of data
    record = {id:0.name:'Bobo can only Cv'. }// We need the data
    data = [{title:'user ID'.text:0}, {title:'name'.text:'Bobo can only Cv'}... ]// Process
    const list=[{title:'users'.text:record.id},{title:'name'.text:record.name}... ]Copy the code

3. Click the button to switch the picture up and down (click the button by default to get the index of the current picture)

    let list = [......]
    function getList(index){
        // Copy the list first to prevent unnecessary bugs
        let newList = list.map(item= > item)
        // Define a variable to store information about the current data (image)
        const tem = Object.assign(newList[index]);
        // copy the assignment of the previous data to the current data
        newList[index] = Object.assign(newList[index - 1])
        // Assign tem to the previous data
        newList[index - 1] = tem
        / / return newlist
        return newList
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4. Change the field name

    // Background data
    res.data = [{id:2.lable:'ssss'},... ]// We need the data
    data = [{uid:2.msg:'ssss'},... ]// Process (shallow)
    const data = res.data.map(item= > { return {uid:item.id,msg:item.lable} })
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