This article lists several common, useful, and interesting configurations of Nginx. I hope you can say: Learned!

Multiple domain names are configured for one site

server {
    listen       80;
Copy the code

Server_name is followed by multiple domain names separated by Spaces

Multiple sites are configured for a service

server { listen 80; server_name; location / { root /home/project/pa; index index.html; } } server { listen 80; server_name; location / { root /home/project/pb; index index.html; } } server { listen 80; server_name; location / { root /home/project/pc; index index.html; }}Copy the code

Based on Nginx virtual host configuration implementation, Nginx has three types of virtual hosts

IP based virtual host: you need to have multiple addresses on the server, each site corresponds to a different address, this way to use less

Port-based virtual hosts: Each site has a different port. IP :port is used to access virtual hosts. You can change the port of LISTEN to use the port

Domain-based hosting: the most widely used method, in this example, is domain-based hosting, provided that you have multiple domain names for each site, server_name is a different domain name

Nginx added account password authentication

server {
    location / {
        auth_basic "please input user&passwd"; auth_basic_user_file key/auth.key; }}Copy the code

There are many services that can be accessed through nginx, but they do not provide the function of account authentication. You can use nginx to provide authBase account password authentication, which can be used to generate account passwords

# cat 
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;

my $pw=$ARGV[0].print crypt($pw.$pw)."\n";
Copy the code


# perl
# echo "admin:opf8BImqCAXww" > key/auth.key
Copy the code

Nginx opens the column directory

When you want nginx to exist as a file download server, you need to open the nginx column directory

server { location download { autoindex on; autoindex_exact_size off; autoindex_localtime on; }}Copy the code

Autoindex_exact_size: Specifies the exact size of the file displayed when the value is on(the default value), in bytes. Change to off to show the approximate size of the file in KB or MB or GB

Autoindex_localtime: The GMT time is displayed when off(the default). After the file time is changed to ON, the file time is the server time

By default, when accessing the listed TXT files, the contents of the file will be displayed in the browser. If you let the browser download directly first, add the following configuration

if ($request_filename^ ~ *. *? \.(txt|pdf|jpg|png)$) { add_header Content-Disposition'attachment';
Copy the code

Configuring the Default Site

server {
    listen 80 default;
Copy the code

If you want to specify a default site, you can put the site’s virtual host in the configuration file at the location of the first virtual host. If you want to specify a default site, you can put the site’s virtual host in the configuration file. Or configure Listen Default on the site’s virtual host

IP access is not allowed

server {
    listen       80 default;
    server_name  _;

    return      404;
Copy the code

There may be some unregistered domain name or undesired domain name pointing to your server address, this will cause some impact on your site, you need to disable IP or unconfigured domain name access, we use the above mentioned default rule, the default traffic to 404

The above method is rather rough, of course, you can also configure all the unconfigured address access directly 301 redirect to your site, but also for your site to bring a certain amount of traffic

server {
    rewrite ^/(.*)$ $1    permanent;
Copy the code

Return directly to the validation file

location = /XDFyle6tNA.txt {
    default_type text/plain;
    return 200 'd6296a84657eb275c05c31b10924f6ea';
Copy the code

Many times wechat and other programs need us to put a TXT file into the project to verify the project ownership, we can directly through the above way to modify nginx, without really putting the file to the server

Upstream: configure the upstream reverse proxy

http { ... Upstream tomcats {server weight=1; Server weight = 1; } server { location /ops-coffee/ { proxy_pass http://tomcats; proxy_set_header Host$host;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; }}}Copy the code

Proxy_pass http://tomcats and proxy_pass http://tomcats/

It’s only a/difference, but the results vary widely. It is divided into the following two situations:

  1. The destination address does not contain a URI (proxy_pass http://tomcats). In this case, the matching URI part of the new destination URL is not modified, and the original is the same.
The location/ops - coffee / {proxy_pass; } -- -- -- - > > http://domain/ops-coffee/action/abc http://domain/ops-coffee/ the code
  1. Destination address with URI (proxy_pass http://tomcats/, / is also the URI), in this case, the matching URI part of the new destination URL will be changed to the URI of this parameter.
The location/ops - coffee / {proxy_pass; } -- -- -- - > > http://domain/ops-coffee/action/abc http://domain/ops-coffee/ the code

“Nginx upstream opens Keepalive”

upstream tomcat { server; keepalive 1024; } server {location / {proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Connection""; proxy_pass http://tomcat; }}Copy the code

In most cases, nginx will be used as a reverse proxy in the project, such as nginx followed by Tomcat, nginx followed by PHP, etc. In this case, we can enable keepalive between nginx and the backend service to reduce the resource consumption caused by frequently creating TCP connections

Keepalive: specifies the maximum number of connections that each Nginxworker can keep. This parameter is not set by default. That is, keepalive does not take effect when Nginx serves as a client

Proxy_http_version 1.1: The keepalive protocol version must be HTTP 1.1

Proxy_set_header Connection “” : In order to be compatible with older protocols and prevent keepalive failures caused by Connection close in HTTP headers, it is necessary to clear the HTTP header Connection in time

404 The page is automatically displayed

server { location / { error_page 404 = @ops-coffee; } location @ops-coffee { rewrite .* / permanent; }}Copy the code

A 404 page is not particularly friendly, we can through the above configuration in the occurrence of 404 to automatically jump to the home page

Related articles recommended reading:

  • Remember a weird troubleshooting experience
  • Introduction and use of SVN Hooks