Note: If you are new to Java, be sure to read this article carefully.

The introduction

I deeply know that learning Java is a long and bumpy road, I have come all the way from self-study, I also know the pain of self-study, in 2018, set up some technical exchange groups, the group is still active.

In the group, the most asked, especially recently, there are a lot of self-taught group friends, most of them are just entering the students and just work, when discussing in the group, they do not know how to learn Java, some of the group friends also have some resources but still do not know where to start learning.

When members of the group shared resources of e-books and videos, they didn’t know how to organize them, and then a fan gave us a suggestion. Say if you can organize all my resources books and videos and stuff.

I think this is a good idea, but many resources are not classified, which will take a lot of time to organize. Later, with great difficulty, I sorted out these resources and shared them with everyone, but there are still many beginners who don’t know where to start.

I was very upset. During the epidemic, I thought about it again. I just had nothing to do when I was isolated at home. In this way, beginners can master the Java learning direction faster and quickly find learning materials on the Internet. Good not to say too much nonsense, just use the epidemic period to organize into a directory for everyone to check.

Java based

Multithreading (key) 8, Exception (key) 9, Network (key) 10, reflection (key)

Java Basics books recommended

In accordance with the above learning route to recommend a few corresponding technical books, selective reading 1-2 can be

001-Head First Java Chinese HD Version (suitable for pure white eyes)

002-[Java] Crazy Java handout (suitable for pure white see) If you like to watch video, there is also the fourth edition of the video

003- Java Core Technology (Volume I) Basics

004- Java Core Technology Volume II Advanced Features

005-Effective Java Chinese edition 2

Java Advanced Books recommended

Note: the following at least need to have a year of basic knowledge accumulation again look much easier, but corresponding to their own shortcomings selective viewing

006-Java Editing Ideas (4th edition) (Must see)

007-Java8 functional programming

008-Java Network advanced programming

009- The Art of Concurrent programming in Java

010- Concurrent Programming practices in JAVA (Must See)

011-[In-depth Understanding of the Java Virtual Machine]

012- In-depth understanding of the JAVA memory model

013- Concurrent Programming for Java Virtual Machines

014-Java Multithreaded Programming Core Technology _ Full edition

015- The Definitive Guide to Netty

016-Netty in Action 5th edition

017- Beauty of Programming – Complete edition

The following organized PDF books:

The database

MySQL uses JDBC connection pooling

Here is the Mysql database ebook

Note: junior staff can choose any book, and later work can choose several books to read.

001-MYSQL 5.5 start from scratch

002-MySQL from beginner to Master

003- Inside Edition of MySQL Technology. Version 5

004-MySQL 5 Authoritative Guide Chinese edition 3

005- getting started with MySQL is easy – study notes

006- The definitive SQL Guide for MySQL developers

007-MySQL Optimizations perfect Walkthrough

008-MySQL must know must know

InnoDB Storage Engine version 2

010- Article 36 of MySQL Database Development – Stone Exhibition

011-MySQL performance tuning and architecture design

012-MySQL Management Practices, Performance Tuning, High Availability and Monitoring (2nd edition)


Servlet 14. JSP

Javaweb ebook recommendation

Junior staff choose any book, if there is a basis can directly skip, basically not how to use but need to understand.

001-Head First Servlet JSP(Clear Chinese Version)



The front end

Bootstrap jQuery Bootstrap

Front end ebook recommendation

Note: If you want to develop the backend, you can learn Bootstrap directly from 001 and 003,005. Bootstrap can be learned directly from the official website. It is quite easy to learn Bootstrap with JS and jquery

001-1[HTML and CSS Introduction Classic (7th edition)]

002-Head First JavaScript PDF with examples

003-[JavaScript.DOM Programming Art (2nd edition)]

004- JavaScript Advanced Programming (3rd edition) Chinese

005-jQuery advanced programming, Chinese complete scan version

In – depth analysis of jQuery architecture design and implementation principles

Java Framework (emphasis)

Maven 19, Linux 20, Git 21, Hibernate 22, Spring 23, Spring MVC 24, MyBatis 25, SpringBoot/Spring Cloud

Java framework ebook recommendation

After school, you can basically stop and do some practical projects and then summarize.

Maven books

01-Maven In Action (HD complete with bookmark)

02-Maven Authoritative Guide _ Chinese complete version clear

Git books

03- Learn +GitHub+ series from +0+

04-GitHub Basics and Practices

Hibernate books

Hibernate: Java Object Persistence

06-Java+Web technology integration application and project practice JSP+Servlet+Struts2+Hibernate+Spring

34-Hibernate Practice (2nd Edition – Posts and Telecommunications Press)

35- HIBERNATE’s Journey to Paradise

36- Mastering Hibernate: Java Object Persistence In Detail (version 2)

Spring (choose any 1-2 books, in depth)

07-Spring Revealed (complete)

08-Spring Combat (4th edition)

09-Spring source code in-depth analysis

10- “Proficient in Spring4.x Enterprise Application Development”

11- Mastering Spring(Clear Bookmarked Edition)

12- Inside SPRING Technology: In-depth analysis of SPRING architecture and design principles

13-Java EE Design Patterns: Spring Enterprise Development Best Practices

Spring MVC books

14 – for springMvc teaching

15- Proficient in Spring MVC4

16-Spring MVC Cookbook(PACKT,2016)

MyBatis (Pick any book)

From Entry to Mastery of MyBatis by Liu Zenghui

18- Chinese version of MyBatis3 User Guide

19- MyBatis Technology Insider

20- Simple MyBatis technology principle and actual combat


21- Learn Spring Boot from scratch

22- In-depth practice of Spring Boot

23 – PDF SpringBoot practical experience

24-Spring Boot 2 Reference Document In Chinese

25- Spring Boot 2.x, Yang Kaizhen,2018.8

spring cloud

26-Spring Cloud microservices architecture development practice

27-Spring Cloud micro-service practice

28-Spring Cloud vs. Docker microservices Architecture

29- “Deep Understanding of Spring Cloud and Microservice Building”

30- Crazy Spring Cloud Microservices Architecture practice

31- In-depth understanding of Spring Cloud and microservice construction, Zhipeng Fang

32- Redefining Spring Cloud combat, Xu Jin


01- Excellent Tutorial for Beginners in Linux

02 – Linux jewel

03- “Birdman’s Linux Recipes – Basics.” 4th edition

04-LINUX SHELL Script Guide (Chinese version with bookmark)

05-LINUX Firewall (Original Book 3rd Edition)

Java Advanced – Distributed – Cluster – Cloud data

Activiti 27, FastDFS 28, Tomcat 29, Nginx reverse proxy 30, MySQL optimization 31, Quartz job scheduling 32, Redis high-performance (key-value) database 33, MongoDB database Shiro Security (rights) framework Elasticsearch 35 Zookeeper distributed system 36 MyCAT Big data cluster 37 Dubbo Implementation distributed architecture 38 ActiveMQ message queue

Java advanced ebook recommendation

01-Activiti definitive Guide

02- Definitive Guide to Tomcat (2nd edition)

03-Tomcat source code study

04- In-depth Analysis of Tomcat (Chinese version)

05-How Tomcat Works Chinese version

06-Tomcat Architecture Analysis. Lau Kwong Sui (Bookmark)

07-Nginx development from beginner to Master

08- An in-depth look at Nginx

09- Nginx: a high-performance Web server to replace Apache. Scan version

10- Nginx Technology Volume: High-performance Web Server deployment and Operation

11- In-depth understanding of Nginx module development and architecture parsing

12-Redis Getting Started Guide (2nd edition)

13-Redis Little White Starter’s Guide

14-Redis design and implementation

15 – Redis of actual combat


17- Distributed Consistency principles and Practices from Paxos to Zookeeper (Bookmarked Edition)

18- The Definitive Guide to MongoDB, 2nd edition

19 – directing a combat

20- Learn more about MongoDb

21-Elasticsearch Server Development (Version 2)

22-Elasticsearch technology analysis and actual combat

23-Elasticsearch Authority Guide (Chinese Version)

24- In-depth understanding of ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch is an extensible open source ElasticSearch solution

26- practical Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana++ distributed big data search and log mining and visualization solutions

Each of these stages learning content please see…

By the way, I introduce the study route, and each stage is relatively more detailed look at the books, and so on, if you do not have these books, you can in my original number WeChat public “Java development corporation” reply “learning course books” get well, hope these the learning path can be a little help to the Java beginners.

Have a harvest? Hope the old iron people come to a triple whammy, give more students to see this article

Old friends, pay attention to my original wechat public account “Java RESEARCH and development corps”, has been using Java learning notes, to ensure that you have a harvest after reading, do not believe you hit me.

Author: army chief original public account: “Java RESEARCH and development corps”, has written more than 140 learning notes, focusing on the Java technology stack and beneficial program life, looking forward to your attention.