Seven ways for Vue components to communicate
Provide and inject(ancestors communicate with future generations)
// in the parent component, define the values to be passed :(the same level as data)
name:'Tom',}}Copy the code
// In the sub-component, inject(the same as data) to receive, after receiving can be used as data
inject: ['name']
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Inject no matter how deep the child component is, it can be used if it has been provided in the previous ancestor componentCopy the code
2. Props
Parent component passes to child component with: data name =' data 'Copy the code
<Child :title='title'></Child>
import Child from './Child'
export default{
return {
title:'I'm the parent component's data'}},components:{
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Props is used to receive in the child component, the same as dataCopy the code
// There are three clock reception modes, array, object, object + rule, here object + rule
props: {title: {type:String.// Type detection
default:' '.// Set to the default value passed in
required:true.// Whether it must be passed in. The default is false
// For complex validation
return value.length > 6}}}// Array mode
props: ['title']
// Object mode
props: {title:'String'
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3.$emit (Child to parent)
Use $emit to emit events in child componentsCopy the code
// For example, click the event to trigger the child to parent operation
methods: {onClick(){
// The first argument is the name of the event received by the parent component, followed by the payload argument
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The parent component is used with the @ event nameCopy the code
<Child @titleChange='titleChange'></Child>
methods: {// Parameters are the parameters passed by the child component
this.title = title; }}Copy the code
4.$ref (parent calls or accesses child methods and data)
There is no need to perform other operations on the sub-componentCopy the code
// Child.vue
<div class="child">
export default {
name: 'Child',
data () {
return {
title: 'I am the content of the child component'}},methods: {
childAlert () {
window.alert('I'm a popover inside a child component! ')}}}</script>
<style scoped>
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The parent component needs ref=Copy the code
▲ If ref is used on a normal DOM element, it refers to the DOM element; if it is a child component, it refers to the component instance
// App.vue
<div id="app">// we use ref here, and the name can be arbitrary<Child ref="childRef"/>
import Child from './components/Child'
export default {
name: 'App',
data () {
return{}},components: {
mounted () {
// Access the title of the child component
console.log(this.$refs.childRef.title) // Output 'I am the content of a child component'
// Call the child component's childAlert method
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5. Event bus $bus
Method one: Use an empty VUE instance as the busCopy the code
import Vue from 'vue';
const bus = new Vue();
// Export a Vue instance named bus
export default bus;
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/ / A component
<h1>I am component A</h1>
<el-button @click="clickEve">To B</el-button>
// Start with bus.js
import bus from ".. /.. /bus/bus";
export default {
name: "BusTest".data(){
message:'A components'}},methods: {clickEve(){
// this is $emit
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/ / B component
<h2>I am B component</h2>
<div>I can communicate with {{message}}</div>
/ / the introduction of bus. Js
import bus from ".. /.. /bus/bus";
export default {
name: "BusTest2".data(){
message:' ',}},mounted() {
// Call the bus method with the $on method
bus.$on('getMessage'.data= >{
// console.log(data)
this.message = data
// It needs to be destroyed
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Method 2: define $bus in vue prototype, global useCopy the code
onst bus = new Vue()
Vue.prototype.$bus = bus
// Other components need to pass in data directly $bus.***, use the same
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Method 3: Use the vue-bus plug-inCopy the code
/ / installation
npm install vue-bus --save
import VueBus from 'vue-bus';// Central event bus
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// You can use $parent in a child to access the parent's data, methods, etc
// Get the data of the parent component
this.msg = this.$parent.msg
// Call the parent component's methods
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// State data
export let store = Vue.observable({
count:0,})// The processing method
export let mutations={
store.count = count
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// The user only needs to import
import {mutations,store} from './store.js'
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