1. Install

yum install subversion

2. The configuration

Create a warehouse

Svnadmin create Warehouse path

Under the warehouseconffolder

  • Authz is a permission control file
  • Passwd is the account password file
  • Svnserve. conf is the SVN service configuration file

Configure the passwd

Open passwd and add the account and password at the end of the file, for example, zhangsan=123456

Configuration authz

[/] indicates all files in the warehouse. Rw indicates the read and write permission, r indicates the read-only permission, and other users have no permission.

zhangsan = rw
zhangsan2 = r
* = 
Copy the code

Extension: use user groups, different groups have different permissions

group1 = zhangsan
group2 = lisi,wanwu

@group1 = rw
@group2 = r
* =
Copy the code

Configuration svnserve. Conf

Open the following five comments, preferably without Spaces before them.

Anon-access = no auth-access =write password-db = passwd authz-db = authz realm = /var/svnCopy the code

3. Check the

svnserve –version

4. Stop and start

Killall SVNServe // Stop svnServe -d -r /var/svn// Start. By default, svnserve is enabled to port 3690#Checkout ==> SVN :// ID/file nameSvnserve-d-r/SVN --listen-port 3691 // Start to other ports#Checkout ==> SVN :// ID :port/ file namePs - ef | grep svnserve kill 9 / / check process, / / process, for every line of the second field netstat antple | grep SVN / / view SVN service has been startedCopy the code