This is the first day of my participation in Gwen Challenge
Why do we need to re-build vue-element-admin? I believe many people work in business development and do not pay attention to the construction of the project, or the company has a special person to do the architecture, but there are many reasons… And the individual, because work is not necessary, is willing but weak; Or when there is an excellent project, I pull it down to learn, feeling that I can do it, without trying to build one by one; Perhaps a lot of people in the interview, need!!
I wrote this paragraph in reverse after going through all the steps below, and here’s what I learned:
- The project setup command window cannot be selected but can be used
winpty vue.cmd create
way - right
Configure and use, solve version problems - Testing for matches between vsCode, Prettier, and Eslint rules
- Add dynamic routes and verify route permissions
- Action (button) permission check method: instruction and expression
- Layout Component Group (Layout component collection)
- Basic theme color Settings
- SVG ICONS are used and synthesized by relying on Sprite diagrams
- Login token and user information processing (not suitable for single sign-on)
- Vuex is used to allocate modules reasonably
- Multi-environment configuration, and module packaging optimization
- CDN import
- One-click package deployment to server…
Check the VUE-CLI version
X or 2.x, you need to uninstall 'NPM uninstall vue-cli -g' first, and then install 'NPM install -g@vue /cli'Copy the code
2. Create projects
CMD create VVmily-admin-template vue CREATE VVmily-admin-template or vue UI If the up and down keys on the keyboard do not work, the official offer is as follows: winpty vue. CMD create VVmily-admin-template note Vvmily-admin-template is the project name and can be named at will. Prettier ESLint + PrettierCopy the code
3. Configure Eslint + VsCode to unify the style
- Format documents
- VsCode editor setting.json file configuration
"Editor. formatOnSave": true, // Save immediate changes "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {" source.fixall.eslint ": True}, // eslint "eslint.options": {"configFile": ".eslintrc.js"// ESLint configuration file}, "eslint.validate": [ "javascript", "javascriptreact", "vue"], "eslint.autoFixOnSave": trueCopy the code
- Project.eslintrc.js configuration
module.exports = { root:true, parserOptions: { parser:'babel-eslint', sourceType:'module', }, env: {browser:true, node:true, es6:true,}, // extends Reference: extends: ['plugin:vue/recommended', 'eslint:recommended'], // Code style rules: {//... To customize rules, refer to: // // } }Copy the code
4. Project environment configuration
- Multi-environment Configuration
- Webpack optimization
- Introduced the CDN
5. Introduce element-UI
importCookiesfrom'js-cookie' importElementfrom'element-ui' import'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css' importenLangfrom'element-ui/lib/locale/lang/en'// lang i18n Vue.use(Element, { size:Cookies.get('size') || 'medium', // set elemental-ui default size locale:enLang})Copy the code
6. SCSS pretreatment
NPM install node-sass sass sass-loader –save-dev can be used to resolve CSS preprocessing.
- Hit the pit:
- Installation failure
The installation may fail because the version is too high, if it fails, passnpm uninstall xxx
To uninstall or reinstall a lower version, asnpm install
node-sass@5.x --save-dev
; - appear
inport 'xxx.scss'
Error, again becausesass-loader
The installed version is too high and can be passednpm uninstall xxx
To uninstall or reinstall a lower version, asNPM install sass-loader@6.0.7 - save - dev
Installation of this project
"The node - sass" : "^ 5.0.0", "sass" : "^ 1.35.1", "sass - loader" : "^ 6.0.7",Copy the code
7. Icon introduction
- Install dependencies
npm install svg-sprite-loader -D
, synthesize the SVG image into Sprite image, and put it invue.config.js
To configure dependencies:
ChainWebpack (config) {config.module.rule(' SVG ').exclude. Add (resolve(' SRC/ICONS ')).end() Config.module. rule(' ICONS ').test(/\.svg$/) .include.add(resolve('src/icons')) .end() .use('svg-sprite-loader') .loader('svg-sprite-loader') .options({ symbolId:'icon-[name]' }) .end() }Copy the code
- SVG ICONS are integrated in the file
Next, - Icon and common component SvgIcon integration into
That is as follows:
importVuefrom'vue' importSvgIconfrom'@/components/SvgIcon' Vue.component('svg-icon', Constreq = require.context('./ SVG ', false, /\.svg$/) constrequireAll = requireContext=>requireContext.keys().map(requireContext) requireAll(req)Copy the code
8. Change theme colors and dynamic peels
- SCSS :export mode is mainly used
import variables from'@/styles/element-variables.scss'
conststate = {
Copy the code
// element-variables.scss
:export {
theme: #ccc;
Copy the code
- Dynamic peels, this one seems to make more sense than I did. Lol
Panjiachen. Making. IO/vue – element…
9. Import the vue-router route
- There are two types of routes, whether to pass permission checking constantRoutes routes, such as: login, registration, 404,302, etc. Some pages are not required permission checking asyncRoutes routes: Stores permission verification routes that are dynamically added through router.addRoutes (after vue2.2.0)
10. Configure Vuex
The Layout has been laid out
12. Login page development
- Use the password to log in to the Api to get the token
13. Permission verification
- If the login succeeds in obtaining the token, the login permission is verified. Otherwise, the login page is reset
- Check method: Route hook
And dynamically adding routesrouter.addRoutes()
Router. BeforeEach (async(to, from, next) => {const hasToken = getToken() if (hasToken) {// When the token exists, If (to.path === '/login') {next({path:'/'})} else {// Request userInfo only once (including refresh) // Key: Any userInfo or other value can be used to determine the value. For example: userInfo.userId consthasRoles = store.getters.roles && store.getters.roles.length > 0 if (hasRoles) { next() } else { Roles} = awaitStore. dispatch('user/getInfo') AccessRoutes should get the union of the asyncRoutes configuration route and the route returned by the back-end Api. Matching with accessRoutes routing in meta. Roles const accessRoutes = awaitstore. Dispatch (' permission/generateRoutes', Roles) router. AddRoutes (accessRoutes) // Add router next({... to, replace:true }) } catch (error) { awaitstore.dispatch('user/resetToken') next(`/login? redirect=${to.path}`) } } } } else { if (whiteList.indexOf(to.path) ! == -1) { next() } else { next(`/login? redirect=${to.path}`) } } })Copy the code
14. Common component encapsulation
- Vue Breadcrumb component
Due to version issuespathToRegexp.compile()
The method may be undefined, as in:
Import mode can be modified:
import * as pathToRegexp from 'path-to-regexp'
Copy the code… Panjiachen.github. IO /vue-element…