FTP software is what software, some people may answer that do not know, because generally only engaged in website management workers will use more. But not everyone is born with this skill, so you will learn how to use FTP software in the beginning. This article will tell you how to connect big data FTP software big data FTP software, how to configure connection tools.

Tools: IIS7 Server management tool

To be honest, this tool is one of the better management tools. Inside the function in addition to batch management, there are many other functions, the main function is also more comprehensive, I believe that most of the website staff are more familiar with. It is also capable of regular upload and download, regular backup and active update. Save yourself the time you spend updating.

IIS7 server management tool in addition to FTP above there are so many functions, its other functions are more practical. Applicable to Windows and Liunx operating systems. Vnc and Ftp batch operations are also supported. It also features synchronous operations, expiration reminders, data security and periodic execution. I like it. It’s easy to use.

Download address:IIS7 Server management tool The ftplib module installed by default in Python defines the FTP class, which has limited functions. It can be used to implement a simple FTP client for uploading or downloading files. The functions are listed below:

FTP login Connection

From ftplib import FTP #

FTP =FTP() # set variable

Ftp.set_debuglevel (2) # Turn on debuglevel 2 to display details

Ftp.connect (” IP “, “port”) # Connect to the FTP server and port

Ftp.login (” user “, “password”) # connect to user name, password

Print ftp.getwelcome() # print a welcome message

Ftp.cmd (” XXX/XXX “) # Enter the remote directory

Bufsize =1024 # Set buffer size

Filename = “filename.txt” # File to download

File_handle =open(filename, “wb”). Write # Open the file locally in write mode

Ftp.retrbinaly (” RETR filename.txt “,file_handle,bufsize) # Receive files on the server and write to local files

Ftp.set_debuglevel (0) # Disable debug mode

Ftp.quit () # exit FTP

FTP commands are used

Ftp.cwd (pathname) # Set the path of the current FTP operation

Ftp.dir () # display information about all directories under the directory

Ftp.nlst () # get files in directory

Ftp.mkd (pathname) # Create a remote directory

Ftp.pwd () # return the current location

Ftp.rmd (dirname) # Delete the remote directory

Ftp.delete (filename) # Delete the remote file

Ftp. rename(fromname, toname)# rename fromname to toname.

Ftp.storbinaly (” STOR filename.txt “,file_handel,bufsize) # Upload the target file

Ftp.retrbinary (” RETR filename.txt “,file_handel,bufsize) # Download FTP file

Quit () differs from ftp.close ()

Ftp.quit (): Sends the quit command to the server and closes the connection. This is a softer way to close the connection, but an exception will be thrown if the server returns an error to the QUIT command.

Ftp.close () : to unilaterally close a connection, should not be used after an already closed connection, for example ftp.quit ().

! /usr/bin/env python import ftplib

import os

import socket

The HOST = ‘ftp.mozilla.org’

DIRN = ‘pub/mozilla.org/webtools’

The FILE = ‘bugzilla – LATEST. Tar. Gz’

def main():


F = ftplib.ftp (HOST) # instantiate

except (socket.error, socket.gaierror), e:

Print ‘ERROR: cannot reach ‘%s’ % HOST


Print ‘*** Connected to host ‘%s’ % host



except ftplib.error_perm:

Print ‘ERROR: cannot login anonymously ‘



Print ‘*** Logged in as’ anonymous’


F.wd (DIRN) ## Confirm the local download path

except ftplib.error_perm:

Print ‘ERROR: cannot CD to ‘%s’ Folder’ % DIRN



Print ‘*** Changed to ‘%s’ folder’ % DIRN


RETR f.r etrbinary (‘ % s’ % FILE,

Open (FILE, ‘wb ‘).write) ## Download the FILE

except ftplib.error_perm:

Print ‘ERROR: cannot read file ‘%s’ % file

If os.path.exists(FILE): os.unlink(FILE) ## Delete FILE if os.path.exists(FILE): os.unlink(FILE


Print ‘*** Downloaded ‘%s’ to CWD’ % FILE



If name = = ‘main’ :
