In China’s first “Cloud native User Survey Report” released by China Academy of Information and Communication Technology, Ali Cloud Serverless products with technical training and rich application practice in double 11, Serverless user scale in China accounted for 66%, far more than the sum of other cloud manufacturers. It is considered the first choice of domestic Serverless users.

Ali Cloud Function Computing (FC for short) : the largest user scale and the most widely used

Ali Cloud is the earliest cloud computing vendor to provide Serverless computing services. Function computing (FC for short) is the Serverless product with the largest user scale and the most widely used. It is also the first Serverless product that supports the mixed scaling and pre-paid modes of reservation/volume instances. Function calculation FC support more than one million functions, monthly call hundreds of billions of times, 50ms cold start, 3ms hot recovery, 100 milliseconds of extreme elasticity, stable support Alibaba double QPS peak value of 11 million. In the trusted Cloud Conference held in July this year, Ali Cloud Function Computing FC passed the trusted cloud function as a service certification in the first batch with full marks in all 21 tests.

Ali Cloud is committed to building a leading Serverless developer ecosystem. Functional computing FC provides complete back-end cloud services and developer tools, such as EventBridge, Serverless workflow, developer framework, command line tools, Web IDE, etc. From the perspective of developer experience, Launch serverless-Tools and Serverless application Center to create a more open, standard and non-vendor bound Serverless community. In addition, function computing FC also supports container mirroring, which is deeply integrated with container ecology.

Ali Cloud SAE: a dark horse in the Serverless field

In this survey, Ali Cloud SAE (Serverless App Engine) as a “dark horse”, the performance is very bright. SAE is application-oriented Serverless PaaS. With zero threshold, zero transformation and zero container foundation, you can enjoy the technical bonus brought by Serverless + K8s + micro-service, which is more suitable for PaaS layer users to use directly.

(Non-Serverless vs. SAE Extreme Flexibility)

Compared to other Serverless products, SAE does not need to modify the programming model or change any business code, and the migration cost from ECS to SAE is low. SAE can achieve one-click start and stop development test environment, out of the box, truly on-demand, charging by the minute. At the same time, SAE provides rich flexibility strategies, including timing flexibility and monitoring flexibility, to achieve cost savings even in non-aggressive environments. SAE eliminates manual operation and maintenance, automatically integrates SLB/SLS/NAS and other infrastructure products, supports WAR, JAR and mirror deployment modes, so that zero-container-based primary users can also enjoy Kubernetes technology dividend.

Torrent brave! Diverse scenarios and rich practices

Alibaba’s Serverless practice is in a leading position in the industry. Not only Taobao, Tmall, Alipay, Dingding, Feizhu, Xianyu and Yuqi have applied Serverless to production business. The Serverless product on Ali Cloud is to help tens of thousands of enterprise customers such as Weibo, graphite documents, learn with who, Timing, Unilever and so on successfully land Serverless, covering front-end full stack, small program, new retail, game interactive entertainment, online education and other application scenarios of the whole industry. Function calculation FC support micro blog personalized picture processing, extreme flexibility in 100 milliseconds, processing billions of requests per day, comprehensive cost decreased by 35%. SAE supports 7 million online learning users of Timing online education platform, Serverless microservice architecture with zero transformation, and 30% reduction in computing cost.

Behind these Serverless practices are the four core technologies of Ali Cloud infrastructure — the fourth generation Of DpCA architecture, Ali Cloud Sandbox 2.0, Ali Cloud storage and Ali Cloud Network, which provide a solid foundation and strong core competitiveness for Serverless. In addition to functional calculation FC and SAE two products, Ali Cloud Serverless product matrix also includes Serverless Kubernetes oriented to container orchestration, ECI oriented to container instances, etc. They constitute the most complete Serverless product family of any cloud vendor today.

Course recommended

In order for more developers to enjoy the dividends brought by Serverless, this time, we gathered 10+ Technical experts in the field of Serverless from Alibaba to create the most suitable Serverless open course for developers to learn and use immediately. Easily embrace the new paradigm of cloud computing – Serverless. Click to free courses:…

“Alibaba Cloud originator focuses on micro-service, Serverless, container, Service Mesh and other technical fields, focuses on the trend of cloud native popular technology, large-scale implementation of cloud native practice, and becomes the public account that most understands cloud native developers.”