According to Gartner, the world’s most authoritative IT research and consulting firm, the DBMS (database management system) market grew 18.4% from 2017 to 2018 to reach $46.1 billion, which is the largest growth ever, and is expected to exceed $50 billion in 2019. Cloud DBMS revenue grew to $10.5 billion this year, accounting for 22.8 percent of total DBMS revenue, and cloud database management systems (DBMSS) revenue is expected to account for 50 percent of total DBMS market revenue by 2021.

In addition, the report points out that in the face of business scenarios with high concurrency, massive data, strong consistency and strong scalability, traditional databases can no longer meet the requirements, but distributed databases can cope with such scenarios. Therefore, distributed database products are gradually becoming the most concerned segment of the enterprise service field.

Giant sequoia is on the list of “new 100 million.

Recently, the 12th Annual meeting of entrepreneurs hosted by Dark Horse entrepreneurship was held in Beijing. One hundred million middle stream represents the mainstay enterprises in the field of scientific and technological innovation with a revenue of one hundred million yuan.

Giant Sequoia database as the industry’s leading financial level distributed database vendors, was selected into the 2019 Dark Horse TOP100: New 100 million Medium stream list.

The theme of the conference is “New 100 million middle stream”, calling for business to return to the essence, mainly promoting deep industry, not speculation valuation, seriously do revenue and profit, truly create value of technology companies.

There are three characteristics of the companies selected in this list:

1. From the industry, based on the industry, on behalf of the industrial Internet, with new models and new technologies to carry out industrial innovation.

2. Healthy and sustainable revenue, not for the purpose of hype valuation, to provide users with real value.

3. Integrate AI, 5G, big data, blockchain and other new technologies with real industries.

Financial market recognition

With the mobile Internet and intellectualization of financial services, traditional databases have been unable to cope with many problems such as large amount of data, rigid system architecture and high cost. At the same time, these problems have become the driving force for the transformation of traditional services to distributed architecture. At the same time, under the trend of future microservice application development and cloud platform, applications are no longer constructed by “chimney” middleware and database mode, but by a complex network model constructed by thousands or even tens of thousands of microservice programs.

As one of the earliest self-developed distributed database teams in China, Giant Sequoia database is positioned as a real financial grade product from the very beginning. In the application of self-developed distributed database in the financial industry, we are the pioneer in the whole database field and always maintain a leading position. A few key words can best reflect the achievements of our eight years of deep cultivation in the financial industry:

  • 2014: As early as 2014, Giant Sequoia database was the first to go online production in the business of a large joint-stock bank, which was one of the earliest distributed database projects of large banks in China and the “first shot” in the application of self-developed database in the financial industry.

  • 544 billion: For high concurrent online business, the maximum single cluster size of Giant Sequoia database is 141 physical servers, 3441 tables are connected to a single platform, and the number of data records reaches 544 billion at most, and the total data amount reaches PB level.

  • 50+ : Giant Cedar database has more than 50 bank customers, including large state-owned banks, joint-stock banks, rural credit rural Commercial Bank and urban commercial banks, and maintains a leading market share in distributed database in the financial field.

  • Core transaction: The application scenarios of Giant Sequoia database in bank users include core transaction, data center, content management, real-time data service and other scenarios.

With the increasingly mature technology environment and narrowing the gap with foreign leading enterprises, the domestic database industry has entered a stage of rapid growth. Giant Sequoia database has been selected in Gartner’s recommendation report for three consecutive years, and has always adhered to independent research and development and technological innovation. After 8 years of technological development and market practice, it has iteratively developed financial products with leading technology, safe and stable products and strong versatility. At present, Juoshan database has more than 50 bank customers, including large state-owned banks, joint-stock banks, rural credit Rural Commercial Banks and urban commercial banks, covering 17 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, becoming the most widely used financial distributed database products in the domestic banking industry.

In the future, Giant Sequoia database will be deeply engaged in the field of basic software, adhere to technological innovation, and continue to provide users with practical value.