Road is everywhere, we live in an era of information fragmentation, every day in the face of a large number of complex content information, some are positive energy, some are attractive routines, of course, SEO industry, also can not be immune, Batman IT, recently found a quite controversial SEO routines:

The use of false high weight website + million chain, do keyword ranking, plus SEO training fast profit method, in fact, the operation process is very simple, the key is the idea of operation, batman IT, take you to find out:

How to identify fake high-weight websites?

When you face a high weight website, as an SEO expert, you will go to webmaster tools to view the relevant SEO data indicators, including:

1, site weight

The weight we are talking about here focuses on Baidu weight, but there is some difference between baidu weight and Google’s real PR. Although Google PR has stopped updating, it is officially recognized weight.

And Baidu weight, is not baidu official definition, but the major webmaster tools, based on keyword search volume and ranking of an estimated weight, it only has a certain reference value.

2. External chain structure

When you are in the webmaster tool view is really high weight site, this time we need to look at the external links of the target site, an SEO standardized site, generally speaking, the weight in 5-6, or even higher site must contain a large number of, diversified external links.

And most of his links must come from high-weight websites, if you use the external chain tool almost query its external chain information, and even the number of the main domain is not much, then it is likely to be on the edge of cheating, you need further analysis.

3. Keyword search volume

If you are engaged in SEO industry a certain amount of time, and have certain experience, you will be very clear, high weight site in general is based on a large number of long tail keywords ranking is given priority to, of course, industry big station have social influence may exist a large number of brand word searches, but for small and medium-sized site, does not have high search volume.

If you find a high weight site, its keyword ranking first index, contains a lot of high search volume of words, then you may need to pay attention to whether these words have real search volume, the method of judging is very simple:

You just go to baidu official Baidu index to search these keywords, in the search index trend column, you can choose to view: 24h, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, half a year, all the index fluctuation trend.

If this part of keywords only focus on the high frequency of nodes in a certain time, and in 90 days, half a year, all without a certain index fluctuation, then it is likely to use real users to brush out.

So, the use of false high weight website, do keyword ranking, and SEO training routine process is what?

1. Create a certain number of original articles, including non-competitive keywords, and try to rank first in the search results.

2, in a certain period of time, the use of real users to search these target keywords, improve the keyword search volume, and give a certain target site click.

Of course, it is worth noting that during the period in order to cooperate with the high weight site content, need to generate a large number of pages in the directory, do the target word anchor text, used to promote the ranking of core keywords, specifically is the keywords of the home title.

3, when the keyword brush has a certain amount of search, you will find that the weight of your site will be greatly improved, when reaching a certain value, for example, the weight of more than 5, will take the initiative to exchange real high weight friendship links.

4, pay attention to the key come: due to the original page spam, almost no ranking, but only the home page is a real high link weights recommended, so traders will configure real need ranking keywords in the home page, used to improve rankings, of course, can also be a reasonable guide to high quality columns page, used for ranking, obtain customer traffic.

And yet, at this point you think it’s over? You’re wrong. Here’s what you can do:

5, looking for an industry tycoon, used to tell the operation process of this case, and then start SEO training classes, can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Summary: Routine is everywhere, SEO is a system engineering, it involves a lot of details, only a solid basic, through a lot of actual combat cases, in order to let yourself have a pair of piercing eyes.