One, foreword

Many companies set up their own error monitoring systems. I want to try to build a monitoring system, because our company’s internal small program reported an error online, and could not locate the problem in time. I happened to see a blog recommending Sentry, so I am interested in it.

Registration service

  • Register for the service on the official website
  • Build your own service

1. Register the service on the official website

1) Register personal or company information

Official portal

Fill in the above information according to personal or company requirements. Because I am a personal project test, fill in their own information

2) Create a project

Here is the React project. Type in the index.jsx file and copy it directly

3) Test for errors according to instructions

return <button onClick={methodDoesNotExist}>Break the world</button>;
Copy the code

4) The console has sent a sentry request

2. Build your own service (Docker)

Official website mirror portal

Docker 17.05.0+ Compose 1.23.0; The minimum storage space is 2400RMB

Actually the method is very simple. Git Clone repository, then./ This step is time-consuming because it has a lot of dependencies. If it goes well, the installation is successful and runs directly

docker-compose up -d
Copy the code

Sentry-onpremise started successfully

Open localhost:9090 and you can do the same on the official website

It may be reported during installation, and I also put forward an issue on the official website. After the mention found that there has been a similar issue…

Connection to Kafka failed
Copy the code

The solution is

docker-compose down
docker volume rm sentry-kafka sentry-zookeeper
docker volume rm sentry_onpremise_sentry-kafka-log sentry_onpremise_sentry-zookeeper-log
Copy the code

At last I was able to run smoothly. The company can ask operations to deploy on the server, remember that it requires at least 2.4GB of space and depends on Docker

Upload sourceMap to sentry

The purpose of uploading sourceMap is to make it easy to pinpoint which line of source code to go to

The official website provides several ways

Souecemap portal

I’m using sentry-CLI here, so I’ll show you using sentry-CLI

1) Install Sentry – CLI

NPM I -g@sentry /cli sentry-cli -v Check the versionCopy the code

2) Log in and get itAuth Tokens

Copy the code

The default is to connect to senty. IO, or if you want to connect your own input

sentry-cli --url https://myserver.invalid/ login
Copy the code

After open the

3) Create a directory in the root directory~/.sentryclirc

  • MAC~On behalf of/user/ Your username
  • Vim is recommended to facilitate the creation
Vim ~/. Sentryclirc/I to enter insert mode esc to exit insert mode :wq! Save and exit :q! Exit without savingCopy the code

Copy the Auth token, and configure the other tokens as well

Copy the code

I was struggling with how to check org and project before, but I checked some information later. Check org in the General Settings of Organzation Settings

Project Settings
General Settings

4) upload

  • Create one when you uploadreleaseThe name
  • Then use theupload-sourcemapsUpload, the following URL is localurl, that is, after packagingbuildordistFile plus the following js
  • The default is.mapor.jsYou can change the extension of the file
  • Final release

There’s a pit here. I was having trouble uploading, and I forgot what the problem was. This is how I uploaded it

Sentry -cli --log-level= Debug releases files v1.0.2 upload-sourcemaps./build --rewriteCopy the code

./build is the folder that you pack locally

Uploaded successfully

Remember free is 40MB

Under the Release menu, you can view Artifacts that you just uploaded under the Release name you just set

The official website has this notation

sentry-cli releases files VERSION upload-sourcemaps . --url-prefix '~/scripts'
Copy the code
  • –url-prefix is the url of the line
  • ~ is the domain name of your website, for examplehttp://localhost:9000

Here is a screenshot from the official

There is a problem that has not been solved up to now. I did not locate the source code after the error. I do not know why release is correct

4. Set the time zone

Part (ii) will address the previous issue (currently being looked at) as well

  • Reporting rules
  • To distinguish the environment
  • withgit commitassociated
  • .

What opinions or suggestions are put forward to communicate with each other