On July 24, 2021, the Global Conference on Internet Communication Cloud Technology (WICC 2021) will be held in Beijing, which is an important conference representing the exploration and development direction of cutting-edge technologies in this field. The organizer Rongyun will define the theme of this conference as “New Vision · Connecting the Future”, aiming to focus on the cutting-edge technology of communication cloud in hot areas and guide the future development of the industry. The technical achievements and future trends of audio-video +AI, including the enabling capabilities generated by the combination of AR, VR, MR and other technologies, will be the main focus and highlights of the conference.

As the world’s leading artificial intelligence platform company, Thomson is designated the Ministry of Science and Technology of science and technology of “intelligent visual” countries a new generation of open innovation platform of artificial intelligence, the market share forefront in the field of multiple intelligence, business covers mutual entertainment, education, medical treatment, remote sensing, radio and television, commercial, industrial, financial and other industries. As an important guest of the industry, Dai Ping Zhao, Chief Technology Officer of SenseTime, will attend the “New RTC Technology and New Directions for Application” technology sub-forum. For developers who want to learn about new technologies and applications in the field, this is a great learning opportunity that should not be missed.

The combination of AI and audio and video will lead to many new and interesting applications and interactions

Daiping Zhao has rich experience in mobile phone system and Internet application. He will share the principle and application of “image segmentation technology” in the field of video in this conference. At present, SenseTime has widely applied this technology to live broadcast, short video and other online entertainment applications, to bring a cool and interesting background environment to the video characters or live broadcast anchors.

Looking into the future, SenseTime believes that AI can also bring more novel and interesting application forms and interactions for audio and video applications through the combination of AI and AR technology. And with the popularity of 5G technology, AR applications will be provided with stronger transmission capacity, on the basis of guaranteeing the stability of real-time transmission, to bring better application experience for users. Moreover, it is believed that the effective combination of AI+AR+5G and other cutting-edge technologies may further break down the barriers between online and offline in the future and fully realize the integration of virtual and reality.

Insist on originality and let AI lead human progress

Through the dialogue with this technical leader, developers who come to the conference can not only gain new knowledge, but also learn from the perspective of their own development, feel SenseTime adhere to the original technology concept at close range, and understand the way to advance. SenseTime has independently developed and established the world’s top deep learning platform and supercomputer center, and launched a series of leading AI technologies, including: image recognition, text recognition, medical image recognition, video analysis, unmanned driving and remote sensing, etc. Today, SenseTime is a leading AI algorithm provider in Asia.

Sensecore AI device, a new artificial intelligence infrastructure, has been created by SenseTime. Through computing power, algorithm and platform, SenseTime AI device can significantly reduce the cost of artificial intelligence production factors, achieve high efficiency, low cost and large-scale AI innovation and landing, and then open the closed loop of commercial value and solve the problem of long tail application. We will promote the industrialization of artificial intelligence.

In addition, SenseMars mixed-reality platform, originally created by SenseTime, integrates multiple AI and MR technologies and capabilities to achieve highly immersive virtual-real fusion visual effects and interactive experiences on a variety of system platforms and terminal devices. In terms of enabling Internet communication, AR sticker effects can not only be provided for various short videos and live streaming APPs in online interactive entertainment platforms, but also a more professional and customized broadcast environment can be created through background segmentation, beauty and other technologies for main broadcast. At the same time, it can also detect character characteristics, generate exclusive 3D Avatar virtual image, flexible application in video, live broadcast, virtual audience, games and other scenarios, realize reality-driven.

Technological innovation requires insight into and solutions to underlying problems

SenseTime’s best practices have proved that the combination of AI and AR technology has brought many innovative applications and gameplay to the online entertainment industry, online travel and business scenarios, and spawned many new ways of interaction and business models. However, how new models and applications can be quickly accepted by the audience and the market is a problem that technology innovation enterprises need insight and solutions to, which is also one of the purposes of SenseTime attending the conference. Shang Tang Technology said that in the process of industrial landing, it will in-depth understand and understand the needs and pain points of users from multiple channels, mining the potential value of the scene, from the user’s point of view, combined with the leading basic technology, product application development and landing enabling.

WICC has been successfully held for two sessions. While exploring and foreseeing cutting-edge technologies to empower the communication cloud industry, WICC has also gradually built a good communication platform for all nodes of the industry chain, such as middle class, university, research and application, and provided an effective way to find and solve problems.

It is based on these characteristics that SensuTime has high hopes for the upcoming WICC2021: Melting cloud cloud hosting a global Internet communication conference (WICC) is the global first cloud around the Internet communication technology to carry out the technical conference for discussion of the industry, brings together numerous experts from the industry and enterprise on behalf of mutual communication, how to apply innovation to bring new applications such as Internet, audio and video mode and industrial revolution. Through this event, SenseTime hopes to share its leading AI technology capabilities with all parties in the industry, and discuss and collision more new application directions with industry partners.


In last year’s ICC, Yang Pan, founder and CTO of Rongyun, once compared the communication cloud industry to the “new infrastructure” in the new infrastructure, and compared Rongyun to the “hydropower company” that can provide IM+RTC+ Push full capability. In the same way, SentimeTime pointed out that AI has been applied in a variety of industries and scenarios so far. SenseTime aims to “empower all industries” with AI, and make it as universal and universal as “water and electricity” technologies that can penetrate every corner of people’s lives.

In a short period of one year, the industry added “new energy”. The discovery of “new energy”, the stimulation of new thinking and the promotion of industrial development, is also another new contribution for WICC itself.