Why write

Going to some of this article is to see the “uncle will point code” written by the older programmers just passed its the “snag” 35 years old, and you say a little mind “, from which there are a lot of the same feelings, wanted to think, 36, should write a summary after all, a is a written record later can review the attitude and feeling at that time, The second is to pay tribute to the “uncle who can point code” and the programmers who are also 36 years old. After all, life is not easy. I hope you can keep your original aspiration and ask no questions.

The present

Year 2020, the year of the rat is doomed to be challenging for a year, affected by the epidemic is still in the home work, know that many people have already started to company, you also need not envy me, because from January start cut, if the station’s position in the company, for wages is very understand, your team’s friends are also understand and accept, I was very moved at that point. I hope the company can develop after the epidemic, so that everyone’s support and efforts will not be wasted.

Under the shadow of the epidemic, most enterprises are not easy, some companies reduce staff, some reduce wages, and some directly close down. And for every employee, some are back to 9-to-5, some are working from home, some are unemployed. I think these are no way at present, don’t enterprises hope to have development? Don’t employees want promotions and raises? Extraordinary times, extraordinary measures, many have to do, which is reasonable.

For all of us, don’t be resigned, but take it in stride.

What is a “young” programmer

Many people may find it amusing that I wrote about a 36-year-old “young” programmer in the headline. In fact, the word “young” here does not describe my age, but a state of mind, a young state of mind.

Many people say that it is difficult to be a programmer after the age of 35, as mentioned in the title of the article “Older Programmers Just Passed the age of 35” written by “Uncle Who knows some code”. I believe this is the common view of many programmers, and I do agree, but I don’t agree. If you identify with it, you will have no pursuit of your career and love of life. Thirty-six is far from the age to “fool around”, and the reality of having a family doesn’t allow us to do so. I heard a famous person once said that life is like farming land. If you are diligent and down-to-earth, the land you plant will not be “barren”. If you do not have the “barren” of the word “grass”, then you will not have the “panic” near your heart. Some people may say that this is chicken soup for the soul, but I think it is a kind of warning that we should not and should not continue to “waste”, or we will be “panic”.

Programmer I have always thought that can be as a lifelong career, so just 36 years old is still “young”.

Another is that I mention “young” two words is not to rely on the old, just want to say the truth, record, make a summary for yourself. Life is so satisfied and frustrated, as the saying goes, “life is not satisfactory nine out of ten”. Many things, summary, give yourself a precipitation is also very good.

After college

After graduation from Beijing University of Technology, I found a satisfactory job as a junior programmer in a small foreign company. I was interviewed by the CTO of the company (the former Java language developer of SUN Company). I was a little nervous about the written test, the interview and writing code directly on the computer, but I still passed it smoothly. The technical atmosphere of the company is very good, and I have been constantly learning and practicing, from the junior development engineer to the project leader, and then transferred to the RESEARCH and development Department as the director of the research and development Department. After seven years of work, I finally achieved the position of CTO. Later, the company was merged by a large listed company, in fact, mixed. This period of time in fact, all aspects of the state is very comfortable, but suddenly feel no prospects, there is no motivation.

Later, I gave up the shares of the company by chance and decided to start a business with my friends. Facts proved that it was a right choice to give up the shares, which saved me from being trapped by the shares and experiencing the great waves of entrepreneurship earlier than others.


It is said that entrepreneurship is a close call, but in fact it is a close call. At first, I wanted to go out and see what I could do in addition to technology. I did go through a lot of hardships and tribulations. Building a development team from scratch, working on the basic technical architecture, writing the core code, and implementing the smallest working prototype was essential. Deal with the company’s up and down coordination and communication, market operation, even financial budget, cost control and so on, have to participate in everything. Instead of working from 9 to 5 every day, I often go to the company at 6 am and go home at 1 am the next day. Without funds, the management can only get a small basic salary, while the team members can get a salary slightly higher than the average of the market. However, we are all very hard and strive for our ideals together. I have always been very grateful to these brothers. Every time a new team finds a great partner, and we are still good friends and brothers.

Now it is the third time to start a business. Along the way, I found that life is more important than work, and that life is more important than technology.

Entrepreneurship is not easy, the right direction, good ideas, practical implementation, persistent exploration and try, the most important thing is whether our underlying thinking can support us to go on, and is the character, character is not doomed forever.


Work and life are like the two ends of the scales. As a Libra, I always hope to balance these two ends well, which is actually a big challenge. If I were still in my twenties, I would focus more on work, enrich myself, improve myself and broaden my horizon. Because once 30 years old, have children, then your life will be changed, I don’t want to also do not recommend only when they have children also busy with work, because the parents of children with for children, especially young children 3 to 6 years of age is very important, a lot of people don’t think we accompany with their children as children have no relationship. But the fact is that good company is crucial for children, how to accompany children is also a lesson, but also need us to learn and practice.

Now I spend as much time as possible with my children, playing and learning with them, and I can find a lot of fun. So NOW I rarely brush Douyin, watch TV series, play games, and try to spend time with my children outside of work. Although I feel very tired, I can constantly improve myself from my children.

So I think we really can’t waste time without restraint, “tick-tock” time continues to pass, I still have a lot of places have not been to, a lot of things have not tried it, to seize.

Desire less, think more, complain less, love more, and you will be a better man.

Individual economy

Starting a business is hard, but life is not. After the epidemic, I still think the individual economy will develop, especially the individual economy based on mobile Internet. Each of us can do what we like and excel at, and with the power of the mobile Internet amplified, each of us/or 2-3 individuals can create our own value at low cost and high efficiency.

There are many development directions for programmers, including makers, education and writing. This year, I also hope to make a breakthrough in writing and micro classes and create personal IP. Come on.

The last

The rat may be a little timid and hesitant. I hope I can make a breakthrough and find my own way to walk firmly and happily. Finally, I would like to say that there is no need for programmers to be too persistent about the idea that “35 years old is a barrier”. I also hope that everyone can realize their ideals and live a happy life every day. Pay tribute to every programmer, pay tribute to the pioneers who are still on the road of entrepreneurship, pay tribute to every people who love life.

Never forget why you started, never ask questions.