A, self-study a few months front, why feel what did not learn?

This phenomenon is more common in many beginners and self-taught students.

Because self-study is more detours, will step on a lot of pits, the process of learning is more confused.

The most important thing is that in the process of learning, I do not know what knowledge points should be learned in each part, what is a good degree to learn, and what can be done after learning.

A lot of self-taught friends are often to find their own information to learn, some of the information may have learned, no information may not have learned.

And that would give the wrong message that I’m done with the materials, and that’s probably — that’s about it.

But is that really the case? No, because a lot of people are looking for basic information. To learn is to master some basic things. Share a front end analysis roadmap for your reference. The full version of the mind guide has access at the end of the text.

There are also a lot of students in the process of learning in the pursuit of learning speed, very fast to brush the video, write behind forget the front, finally nothing to learn, know everything, but do not understand anything, to be specific, also can not say why.

So learning programming must pay attention to practical operation, practice knocking code time must be more than watching video time.

Two, what next

When you have gone through the technical knowledge of the front end, look at what aspects you are still relatively lacking. For example: HTML + CSS part can write some comprehensive static website independently? Are you able to make a comprehensive case for each part, for each stage? To find their own shortcomings, and then targeted to fill a fill, learning more practice, more practice.

It is not recommended that a person study behind closed doors. It is better to have like-minded friends together. Mutual exchange and discussion will be of great help to their study. It’s easy to get stuck in a blind alley of thinking. Sometimes, a simple problem can last for hours or even half a day. This is very time consuming, learning to pay attention to efficiency. Join study groups or discussion groups to learn together.

Trust me if you need to get into your skirt.

After learning, we must do the project, the basic knowledge point is actually to prepare for the project, now the employment is also more important to find a job project experience, so before going to employment to find a job, we must have a project work. This can be your ace in the hole when it comes to employment.

Third, the misunderstanding of web front-end learning

1, blind pursuit of modern technology, do not pay attention to the accumulation and precipitation of basic knowledge.

Many people skip the basic learning framework when they hear that this framework is good and that framework is good. Then learn a period of time to find that they do not understand, and come back to learn the basics. Then found that the foundation is a lot of ah, or the framework is concise, and to learn the framework. Over and over again, I wasted a lot of time and gave up because it was too hard, too much, I couldn’t learn, I wasn’t cut out for programming, etc. They didn’t know they were looking in the right direction. Blindly disorderly string, disturb their mind, let oneself become impetuous and restless. So at the beginning of learning to have their own planning and learning of the main line, do not waver at will. Pay attention to the learning foundation, step by step to learn solid.

The pursuit of learning speed, ignore the quality of learning, a cursory glance, learn behind forget the front.

The pursuit of learning speed, only see not practice. Video data over and over again, the basic knowledge points have been learned. But I don’t understand. I knew it was there, but I couldn’t tell you why. A lot of people in the process of learning eager to learn good employment, feel HTML + CSS is very simple. So the study went over again. I never did it. But learning programming is about doing. Knowing and being able to operate independently are two different things. Therefore, learning programming should not blindly strive for speed and pay no attention to the quality of learning. Must go more operation, more practice. It’s better to code by yourself, run by yourself, and experience the harvest by yourself.

Blind start without planning, learn more and more doubt yourself in the middle of the learning, and finally can’t stick to it and give up

Why many self-taught programming have given up, is because a lot of learning without planning, not enough knowledge of the front end. At first I thought it was HTML + CSS + JS. Later, I found that after these, there are many more, the more I learn, the last meng, began to doubt myself, know whether to choose the wrong industry. In fact, anything in any industry is like this, the Angle and height of the station is not the same, see the natural is not the same. The first thing you’ll see is HTML + CSS + JS. When you stand on this level of JS, you will naturally see more things. The front end is a technology, but also an industry, the depth and width of nature is also very large. So in the learning place to have a general understanding and cognition of the front end. Identify a main line of learning and stick to it. Of course, when learning JS part, many people will feel more difficult. After enduring the long-term torture of JS, they finally choose to surrender and give up. This is the process from self-learning to giving up. If so, self-study is probably not for you. It is recommended to find friends around programming guide you to compare the good.


If you are committed to a career in programming, start with a basic plan for your studies and a basic understanding of the technical requirements of the industry. Have an employment-oriented learning goal and work hard to see it through. If you are lucky enough to read this article, I hope it will help you and wish you success in your career change.

No matter you are a zero-based cute new, or want to change the small partner, as long as you want to understand the front end, proficient in the front end, you are welcome to join our front end self-study group.

Here, you can find like-minded friends, learning partners who encourage each other, and the opportunity to share the experience of the great god and participate in the actual project. If you want to join a self-study group, do it now

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