With the development of computer and information technology, enterprise information construction is becoming more and more perfect, and enterprise management is becoming more and more dependent on information. ERP, OA, BPM and other systems, as standard parts of enterprise information, have been occupying the core position of enterprise information management.

Because of such applications involving business, confused the development cycle is long, the system implementation is difficult, is also high to specialization degree requirement, project landing can’t depart from the support of industry software manufacturers, developed by software vendors are responsible for most of the project, and provide technical support and system maintenance, in the late as a result, the construction of the whole system costs millions in basic level above, For most companies, it’s very challenging.

At the same time, because most of these systems are standardized products, personalized customization is too difficult, and later business changes also involve system adjustment and technical maintenance. Therefore, enterprises are highly dependent on software manufacturers, which is easy to form bundling, resulting in a series of problems and costs.

At the same time of the development of enterprise informatization, the technical personnel and business personnel of enterprise informatization have greatly improved their mastery of computer technology. According to incomplete statistics, more than 80% of enterprise information technology personnel in China can proficiently use Excel, Word and PPT software, the three major tools of Office, and have basic database knowledge and programming language foundation. Therefore, how to transform these skills mastered by employees into actual productivity to meet the increasing information needs of enterprises is a topic worthy of study.

At present, the enterprise rapid development tool, is very popular among “business developer”, this kind of product has the technical threshold is low, the rapid development, the advantages of the flexible customization, made in traditional enterprises, in the past with hardware equipment maintenance, system maintenance as the main content of the enterprise information work, have a chance to exhibit talents, realize self value.

According to market statistics, the current rapid development platform for enterprises is mainly divided into three categories:

  • Coding class

Through the high encapsulation or Localization of JAVA, VB and other development languages, developers can quickly call interfaces or methods, generate systems, and generate source code. Although this kind of system emphasizes fast, it requires too much programming thinking of developers and is difficult to learn. The market price of such platforms typically ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions.

  • The configuration class

With a high degree of encapsulation of page components such as text, check boxes, and tables, designers can complete a simple form design by simply dragging and dropping components onto the page for simple logic and data configuration. Such systems are designed to be easy and easy to operate, but they are not enough to handle complex business logic operations. Fees are mainly based on cloud platforms and are calculated by annual rent.

  • Custom classes

Customized tools combine the advantages of coding platform and configuration platform, which is a comprehensive development platform for rapid development of complex business logic. The system interface components adopt drag design, high efficiency; Common commands support both encapsulated commands and custom JS commands. Data sources support a variety of databases, support the use of Java in the front end to do complex logic operations; This platform takes into account “enterprise developers” of different technical levels, as well as the complex and changeable enterprise informatization demand scenarios.

Taking “Movable type Grid Web Application Generation Platform”, one of the top ten excellent products of the Soft Expo, as an example, we focus on analyzing the advantages of rapid development platform as a customized enterprise class:

  • Low technical barrier

Provide the visual design interface of Excel, as long as you know how to use Excel, you can easily get started and minimize the cost of learning.

  • Flexible customization

Provide very flexible customization ability, can be customized according to the enterprise personalized needs of a variety of Web systems, such as production management, inventory, project information management, vehicle equipment management, personnel attendance management, business trip management, conference room reservation and other systems.

  • Support for mainstream databases

Supports mainstream databases such as SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle, and supports data query and filling in other service systems such as OA, ERP, and CRM.

  • Complete permission management

It provides a comprehensive user management, organizational structure management, and page permission authentication management system to meet the needs of enterprises for detailed permission management.

  • Support secondary development and system integration

Supports Java, CSS code and source file reference, provides API, and supports integration with wechat, Dingding and other business systems.

  • Strong ability to expand

Provide rich development interface, support plug-in management, support plug and play software development mode.

According to the China Association of Enterprise Informatization, the demand for enterprise informatization is growing at a rapid rate of more than 20% per year, while the growth rate of enterprises that choose to customize their own systems through tools is higher than this rate. “Self-customization” can effectively reduce the cost of enterprise information construction, meet the flexible and changeable information needs, reduce the cost of demand communication, save maintenance costs, and is a kind of information construction mode worth trying to break through.

The awakening of enterprise “self-customization” informatization construction consciousness will certainly push The Informatization construction of Chinese enterprises to a new peak.

About Grape Town

Empower developers! Founded in 1980, Winestown is a leading global software and service provider of development tools, business intelligence solutions, and management system design tools. Xi ‘an Grape City is its branch in China, providing software development services for the global market, and providing international advanced development tools, software and r&d consulting services for The informatization of Chinese enterprises. Winestown controls and software products have won awards at home and abroad and are used by hundreds of thousands of businesses, schools and government agencies around the world.