Write the public account also for a long time, feel the need to introduce themselves to small partners, so there is this article (this article was written in June this year, but has not been in my public account, take out and share with you today) ~

June 25 is a special day for me. On June 25, 2011, the score of the college entrance examination came out and I went to study in the far south. June 25, 2015 officially entered the society! Every year to this day, always sigh! (On June 25th this year, I had more than 1 million readers of my official account, which is also a special day.)

About the high school

High school is very lucky, also very unlucky! There are two reasons for this.

Although my mother lives in the countryside, she is very discerning in educating me. In the middle school in our town, the highest goal of most students is to study in the best high school in our county. However, since MY first grade in middle school, my mother has hoped that I can study hard and go to a better high school in Xi ‘an and a better university in the future. After the end of the examination, my results can be calculated (second in the county). In those years, high schools in Xi ‘an liked to go to the surrounding counties to recruit people, and I was lucky enough to be selected and went to Xi ‘an to study in high schools. For the three years of high school, not only the tuition fee is waived, but also the cost of living (accommodation + meals) is also waived, which is equivalent to the high school does not cost the family a cent. For a rural child, this saves quite a lot of money, so I say very lucky!

When I arrived in Xi ‘an, I found that my score in the high school entrance examination was in the middle of my rocket class, and there were about 20-30 people in front of me. I couldn’t imagine the gap between urban and rural education being so big!

Students wearing Nike, adi (I don’t know a lot of brands, just know it is very expensive), my mother is working in our town only 600 yuan a month, two months ‘salary estimates to buy a dress, a huge gap between let me feel inferior, self-abased and sensitive withdrawn, this state, it is difficult to into the students, often alone, Finally, this state affects the study, the final confidence also collapsed.

When I returned home, I saw my parents’ expectations. My relatives and friends all thought I was very good. Only I knew I was a rookie. I went home once every two weeks at the beginning, and then I went home once a semester in the second and third years of senior high school (although it only takes more than an hour to get home from school). I usually stayed at school, which made me feel better.

The three years in high school are like this, lonely, self-abased, sensitive, and then become indifferent and selfish. It is really a difficult three years. That’s why I say unfortunate.

Although the state has been very poor, but I did not give up their own, or difficult to move forward, never give up. The college entrance examination did not reach the expected score, but it was not too bad.

But then again, from the countryside to the city, this process always has to go through, high school experience such a big gap, college will be much better, the gap will not be so big.

About the university

On June 25, 2011, the college entrance examination score came out, and I basically did not consider the schools in Xi ‘an. After three years of high school, XI ‘an was really enough.

From small to large, the farthest place I have ever been is when I went to Weinan from Xi ‘an in high school military training. I took a bus for 4 hours and was excited. This time in college, I want to take the opportunity to travel far away from Xi ‘an, and I don’t even want to come back.

My college tuition was 4600 yuan a year, but my family was under pressure. Later, an uncle from northern Shaanxi helped me with my college tuition through the Red Cross society of Shangxian County. I was very moved.

In fact, I really want to do something similar one day. A programmer may earn 4600 in less than a week. It is not stressful to finance a college student to study for four years, but what may change is a person’s life. It may be hard to imagine some of the rural poverty in the north-west or the south-west.

The university was far away from home, and it was my first time to go abroad, but it lasted a year and a half. I didn’t go home until the Spring Festival of my sophomore year, which was the only time I spent the Spring Festival at home during my four years in college.

Freshman winter vacation did not go home, stay in school planning to earn some living expenses, thinking that only tutoring can earn money, but also relatively easy. Then after the final exam, I printed dozens of sheets of self-introduction and attached a phone number. At night, I went to nearby bus stations and put them on the door of the community. I thought that as long as there was a phone call, this thing would not be useless. Back to the dormitory and so on the phone, anxious and looking forward to, if the winter vacation did not find the right job, in vain to stay in the school for a month did not do anything, it is too waste, and the cost of living and a bit of money, thinking at that time, if no one to telephone consultation, then I went to the farther community the next day to post advertisements.

Fortunately, there were two parents who called me for consultation, one was a junior high school student and the other was a primary school student. That junior high school student was taught by me for a year and a half, until I decided to be all in Java and stopped being a tutor.

Two tutors, one for the afternoon and the other for the evening. I borrowed a lot of books from the school library before the holiday, after getting up every morning, the first reading in the dormitory to 12 o ‘clock, then go to eat lunch, eat just from school, go to the first junior high school students there, from class about 5 o ‘clock in the afternoon, and then out to eat a meal, then take a bus to another before 7 PM.

One day after class at 9:00 PM, it was raining heavily outside. The rain in southern winter is very cold and mixed with strong wind. The child’s parents gave me 20 yuan to take a taxi back to school, but I finally chose to take a bus back to school. In my mind, that day seemed to be a small New Year’s eve in the south.

When I went to school from home, I thought the winter in Hainan was very warm and I did not bring winter clothes. Actually, the winter in Haikou was also extremely cold. At that time, I did not know how to play jingdong Taobao and did not know how to shop online, so I did not buy clothes.

As a tutor in college, I earned a little money, which was enough to spend at that time. At that time, it was too easy to make money as a tutor. Now look back, a semester hard to earn a thousand blocks, as a programmer to earn back. Therefore, I think it is better to learn more professional knowledge and improve professional skills in university, and it is acceptable to do part-time jobs occasionally. If you put the cart before the horse, you may regret it after graduation.

In fact, I don’t like to talk about these things to others, because I think no one is easy, everyone has their own sadness, if you have time to talk about this, it is better to do something practical to improve yourself. But it’s ok to look back on it once in a while, to push yourself to keep fighting and not to give up.

On Java

I didn’t come out on top in my university study, but I didn’t fail any courses. Although I focused on development, I didn’t waste my professional courses. I got an excellent graduation thesis in my senior year, which was a perfect ending for the university.

When I was a freshman, I wanted to transfer to the Chinese department, but I didn’t succeed.

In my sophomore year, I accidentally took Java language programming as an elective course, which opened a new world. Later, I embarked on the path of self-learning Java.

At the beginning, it was the most difficult. Many concepts about computer were blank and there was no direction for learning. After learning JavaSE, I didn’t know what to do, such as JSP and HTML.

Later, in the second semester of my sophomore year, I met Mr. Zhang, a very professional and dedicated teacher. The only drawback was that the teacher was working on.NET, and I was really not interested in.NET at that time. However, the teacher pointed out a lot of directions for me to learn, such as front-end, cross-platform, Java and so on. At that time, THE HTML5 standard had not been published, and the teacher had asked me to pay attention to this information. Under the guidance of the teacher, I felt that I gradually opened up the situation and entered the world of software development.

A lot of people think I was lucky to have a great teacher, and yes, I’ve been grateful for that for years. In 2016, my teacher went on a business trip to Guangzhou University of Technology. I happened to be working in Guangzhou at that time. My student told me that my teacher had gone to Guangzhou. Last year after the new book was published, the hand of the first book respectfully write blessing, gave teacher Zhang.

When I was a freshman, I joined the Student Union, but I was automatically excluded because I did not work well (in fact, I regretted it after I joined, so I did not work well). Later, I also did not join other clubs, so I always had plenty of time, but I never slept in the dormitory.

In my freshman year, I had classes and went to the library when I had no classes. Sometimes there are no classes in the morning, three or four classes, I will get up on time, first go to the library, to the time to go to class. When I was a sophomore, AFTER I started to learn Java, I seldom went to the library. The teacher provided me with a quiet learning place where I could put my computer, and I basically stayed there to study every day.

This picture was taken when I was a junior in college, and it was not uncommon for me to go back to my dorm after 11 p.m. What impressed me most was that I didn’t go home for the Spring Festival one year (in fact, I only went home for the Spring Festival of sophomore year). I was working on the row rotation of database in the evening of New Year’s Eve. Because I planned to do a GIS application the next day, I had to do well in the database the day before and returned to my dormitory at about 10 o ‘clock on New Year’s Eve.

No one’s forcing you, but we have to set some rules for ourselves.

Fortunately, sophomore to senior, not in vain. In the spring recruitment of the senior year, I had a very smooth job search. I got offers from three different directions within one week: Android, Java Swing and JavaEE.

After learning Java, there is another benefit, is the whole person become confident, I found that I can do these things, and can do it very well, after confidence, the mental state is OK, many things can be done smoothly.

About love

And girl ticket together this year is also the eighth year.

After graduation, she was recommended to pursue her master’s degree in Northwestern Polytechnical University. During this period, she was sent to the University of Queensland as a visiting scholar funded by the university. After coming back, she is now engaged in big data development.

Four years of college, and three years of different places after graduation (she was in Xi ‘an, I was in Guangzhou). In April last year, female ticket graduated from Xi ‘an and came to Shenzhen, and finally got together again.

I guess Songo will get married soon

About to buy a house

Buying a house is one of the proudest things I’ve done so far in my career. I think it’s a vindication for me.

When I first graduated, I was paid 5,000, and when I became a full-time employee, I was paid 6,250. I told my girlfriend that I saved 4,000 yuan a month and 5,000 yuan a year, and by the time you graduated from graduate school, I could almost buy a house in Xi ‘an. The idea is still too naive, female ticket last year when graduate school, Xi ‘an housing prices have doubled.

I didn’t save any money in my first six months, so I quit my first company after five months, and my salary went up in my second year, tripling in less than a year. So in November 2016, I got on the bus in Xi ‘an with more than 100,000 yuan saved by working part-time. When we bought the house, our family only had 20,000 yuan. In those years, we had no savings for my sister and I to study. My mother scraped together and borrowed another 20,000 yuan.

I remember when I first bought the house, I was devastated. When I came back to Guangzhou, I didn’t have enough money to pay the rent. When I paid the rent for the house I shared with my colleagues, I had to wait for my salary to come down for more than ten days.

Buying a house is also a very lucky thing, Xi ‘an at that time only 20% down payment, I paid the down payment in November, Wang Yongkang became the Secretary of xi ‘an Party Committee in December, and then the house price in Xi ‘an skyrocketed all the way to brake the car, the down payment also increased to 30%-40%, buy a house but also the lottery number. It was a close call.

This is the end of December last year, the house was successfully delivered, but I do not want to go back to Xi ‘an, although it may be tired to stay in Shenzhen, but according to my personality, it will not be easy to go back. So, go for it first, maybe go to Guangzhou in the future.

About the book

As long as you keep blogging, there are many opportunities to publish books. In 2016, I was approached by an editor from a publishing house, but I didn’t have much to write at that time, so I declined. Later, there were still a lot of editors to find teachers, I did not agree.

2018 was just over, and I had been working on Spring Boot + Vue for some time at that time. I felt that I had accumulated a little material and had a desire to share it with everyone. On the other hand, I also felt that I should leave something for my career, rather than just move a piece of work in obscurity. I decided to write a book about Spring Boot. Just a few days later, Mr. Xia from Tsinghua University added me to wechat and invited me to write a book about Spring Boot.

When I was writing the book, I got up at 7 am every day, wrote it at 8:30 and went to work. When I got off work at 6:00 in the evening, I started to write it at about 7 am and wrote it at 11:30 in the evening. I wrote it for two days on weekends, refusing most social activities. Some friends may think I am a fake programmer, actually do not work overtime, to be honest, my company does not work overtime.

After the manuscript was delivered to the publishing house, it had to go through typesetting -> editing -> error correction -> preliminary review -> reexamination -> final review -> manuscript sending -> APPLICATION for ISBN and CIP-> cover design -> film production -> factory printing -> sample book sending -> warehousing -> marketing. The whole process lasted about three months. Earlier this year, Spring Boot + Vue Full Stack Development Was finally published, and the book has been reprinted five times so far.

About the future

When I just graduated, I wanted to go back to Xi ‘an. Now I have been staying in Guangzhou and Shenzhen for a long time, and I like it a little bit. Now I hope I can stay here in the future. The pressing thing at present is to buy a house here as soon as possible.

Hair is still flourishing, so programmers can continue to work. Writing code and articles is a comfortable thing to do and should continue to do for the foreseeable future.

The public is also a direction to adhere to the future, but also hope to do a good job of the public.

Unconsciously code more than three thousand words, thank you to see me nagging so much!