In recent years, with the continuous development of Cloud computing and micro-services, major Cloud manufacturers are also optimistic about the market of micro-service solutions, and have launched their own solutions for Cloud architecture on micro-services, and the birth of the concept of Cloud Native, Cloud Native.

Cloud native is an approach designed specifically for applications on the cloud to build and deploy applications to take full advantage of cloud computing.

Cloud native applications are characterized by rapid and frequent construction, release, and deployment, which can easily meet the requirements of scalability, availability, portability, and other aspects and provide better economy. For Cloud native, Cloud vendors have also proposed their own solutions, among which Alibaba’s open source Nacos is integrated into Spring Cloud Alibaba as an overall solution.

Nacos addresses two core issues: dynamic configuration management and service registry discovery.

Nacos supports features

Nacos supports the following features, including service discovery, configuration management, metadata management, address server, cloud native support, Docker and K8s support, etc.

Service discovery

  • Service registration and discovery
  • Health check: supports server detection and client heartbeat
  • Routing policy: Supports weight, protection threshold, and nearest access

Configuration management

  • Configuration management: Supports publishing, modifying, querying, and listening configurations
  • Grayscale configuration: Supports grayscale publishing

Metadata management

  • Connect to the third-party CMDB

Address server

  • Nacos addressing is supported

Cloud native Support

  • Docking Istio
  • Docking ConfigMap

Multi-client support

  • Support a variety of clients, including Java client, Go client, node.js client, C# client

Docker and K8s are supported

  • Support Docker deployment of Nacos Server
  • Supports K8s deployment of Nacos Server

Nacos starts quickly

The latest stable version of Nacos is 1.1.4. Version records can be viewed at Release Notes

Environment preparation and installation

Nacos relies on the Java environment to run and requires JDK 1.8 or later.

Nacos can be obtained from both source code and distribution packages.

Download the source code from Github and build it

git clone
cd nacos/
mvn -Prelease-nacos -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install -U  
ls -al distribution/target/

// change the $version to your actual path
cd distribution/target/nacos-server-$version/nacos/binCopy the code

Download the compressed file directly

Nacos-server -$

  cd nacos/bin
Copy the code

Start the server

Linux/Unix/Mac startup command (standalone stands for standalone mode, not cluster mode):

sh -m standalone

If you are using Ubuntu, or if you run the script, an error message [[symbol cannot be found, try the following:

bash -m standalone

Windows startup command:

cmd startup.cmd

Or double-click the startup. CMD file to run it.

Shut down the server

Run in Linux.

sh shutdown.shCopy the code

On Windows, double-click shutdown. CMD to run the file.

cmd shutdown.cmdCopy the code

View console

After application startup, visit, Nacos0.8 version has support for simple login function, the default username/password for: nacos/nacos.

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