• A polygon in SVG does not have an X position, only a transform

  • The Positioned property of a flutter acts identically to the Container

  • The PreferredSize of flutter (child: Container()) is inconsistent with the behavior of child: sizedbox.shrink ()

  • $${price} returns $0.00 and $${price} returns ${price}.

  • Replace /replaceState on some Android phones will skip the page twice if the web-view widget has a hash operation

  • Applet must use #wechat_redirect to set web-view links. Applet must use #wechat_redirect to set web-view links. Applet must use #wechat_redirect to set web-view links

  • Weui’s hideLoading method makes Toast disappear as well

  • ‘\1’ displays strange symbols and should be avoided when typing and using paths or links

  • In the re, \1 is a string if there are no parentheses; otherwise, it is a variable, such as /(a)\1/.test(‘(a)\1’); / / false and/a \ 1 / test (a \ ‘1’); // true

  • [0, undefined, 2, 3].indexof () = 1

  • In Safari and Internet Explorer 9-, the display: None option is invalid and can be resolved with a hidden span

  • If lt IE can only determine that 9,10 + and edge are invalid

  • ‘Touches’ doesn’t exist anymore

  • Canvas globalAlpha is evaluated by 1 when less than 0

  • Document. title is frequently changed on mobile. SetInterval is not stable. Use requestAnimationFrame

  • Most iphones will no longer display landscape after wechat Pay

  • When window touchStart is disabled, input will no longer trigger focus

  • In Firefox, the image of SVG must have a high bandwidth; otherwise, the image will not be displayed

  • Display :flex overridden by display: None using $.fadein () will display display:block

  • Location. origin does not exist in Internet Explorer 11. Note to add polyfill

  • In applets, elements overlaid on input will not be clickable when the keyboard is up

  • JSON.stringify({a: undefined}) === “{}”; // true, but null will not be deleted

  • FillColor written by cc.graphics code in COcos does not support translucency, but Creator software Settings are valid

  • Multiple transition-properties trigger multiple transitionEnds, such as the padding trigger four times

  • Multiple jquery objects trigger multiple animation callbacks, such as $(‘.x1,.x2’).show(cb) triggers cb twice

  • Firefox is slow when mask-size is less than 100%, and ok when mask-size is greater than 100%

  • For MAC new Date(d), the format of D cannot be xxxx-xx-xx

  • The inline row-level element setting transform is invalid

  • Macs do not have the native double click event dBLClick

  • After border-image is set, border-radius becomes invalid

  • The default value of min-width is auto, and the default value of max-width is None

  • Text and images in the CONTENT of CSS pseudo-elements are not selectable

  • Jquery in HTML (‘ < p > < p > 1 < / p > < / p > ‘) will be surprised to get the < p > < / p > < p > 1 < / p > < p > < / p >