• Bind cannot modify this again, hence the softBind case

  • Create a cascading context in an ellipsis style that is not omitted but behaves strangely, case in point

  • Dynamic data is not updated due to the interface from disk cache during browser rollback

  • Parent pointer-events: none If the child is auto, the parent effect can still be triggered. Example

  • Switch (1) {case 1: let a; break; case 2: let a; break; } complains

  • Transition-delay of 0ms does not trigger the transitionend event, even if the delay is 0.001ms. Animation doesn’t have this problem

  • Transition: Background-image 1s will have two images fade in and out, but it’s very unstable

  • If the Y-axis of the CSS gap/ grid-Gap is a percentage, the width is used but the height is not supported

  • Flex: 1 is actually short for Flex: 1, 1, 0. Better yet, write flex: Auto or flex: 100%

  • The 0 of transition and animation must have a unit, such as 0s

  • Inline then right: 0 is defined by the last character, not the container boundary

  • The attr quotation marks in the CSS content: attr(data-title) are invalid

  • SVG cannot trigger SMIL begin=”click” when fill=”none”, use fill=”transparent” instead

  • Let a = b = 1

  • Set background image on the body of the location height, contain will fail, case

  • Setting background-size for body of indefinite height is quite unexpected, case

  • When the parent overflow: auto, the parent does not add relative, the child can be seen, case

  • Block font size setFontSizeCallback works on wechat, not on enterprise wechat

  • If the child level is non-Flex-shrink :0 and the parent level is Flex, the size of the child level does not exceed that of the parent level, for example

  • In some versions of browsers, certain elements such as

  • The value of ‘ABC ‘.includes(”) is always true if it contains an empty string

  • The empty string ”.split() yields [“] instead of [] and needs to be circumvented

  • Empty array every judgment is always true, need to be avoided according to the scenario

  • Parse (‘”‘ + decodeURI(‘%5Cu9648’) + ‘ ‘) decodeURI(decodeURI(“%5Cu9648”))

  • Fail Canvas is empty in applets custom component because canvasToTempFilePath cannot generate images

  • The canvas in the widget custom component must add context when createCanvasContext (canvasId, context)

  • Regular \w also matches underscores and numbers

  • In vue, x: “is true and x: ‘x’ is ‘x’ when props: {x: [Boolean, String]}

  • Applets

    link section under version XX? A =1 will access 404, change to xx/? A = 1

  • Inline margin-left and text-indent have the same effect

  • 166.665. ToFixed (2) did not round correctly equal to “166.67”

  • 36.62 * 100; // 3661.9999999999995 Replace (‘.’, “)