The business scenario


Provide Restful API interface to directly read the cache data in Redis, and the data in Redis is thrown in asynchronously through MQ.

The target

Provide reliable fast query API service, support service horizontal expansion.


At 500 connections, server costs are also a factor. The impact of public network, bandwidth, and gateway is not considered for the time being.

The first technique

Startup Settings

/usr/bin/java -XX:MetaspaceSize=64m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -Xmx768m -Xms768m -XX:NewSize=1 -Xss256k -jar ps1.jar
Copy the code

Pressure test results

[root@tech- 0001. wrk]# wrk -t4 -c500 -d60s ' key=aaa' --latency -- / 16
Running 1m test @ http:// /hotdog/redis? key=aaa  4 threads and 500 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
 Latency 114.57ms 12.10ms 313.86ms 98.16%  Req/Sec 1.10k 88.43 1.26k 89.51%  Latency Distribution  50% 113.75ms  75% 115.66ms  90% 117.58ms  99% 134.86ms  262303 requests in 1.00m, 82.55MB read Requests/sec: 4366.86 Transfer/sec: 1.37MB Copy the code

The second technique

A launch configuration

java -XX:MetaspaceSize=32m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=128m -Xmx256m -Xms256m -XX:NewSize=1 -Xss256k -jar ps2-fat.jar run
Copy the code

Pressure test results

[root@jiaomatech- 0001. wrk]# wrk -t4 -c500 -d60s ' key=aaa' --latency -- / 16
Running 1m test @ http:// /app/redis? key=aaa  4 threads and 500 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
 Latency 37.45ms 54.67ms 228.47ms 83.90%  Req/Sec 9.17k 4.36k 14.08k 72.72%  Latency Distribution  50% 10.12ms  75% 22.99ms  90% 140.38ms  99% 206.51ms  1959728 requests in 1.00m, 80.36MB read Requests/sec: 32635.44 Transfer/sec: 1.34MB Copy the code

In doubt

The stability of

The first technique has low standard deviation and high service stability, while the second technique has no advantage.


The second technique had an average QPS of 32635.44 Requests/ SEC. That’s 7.5 times better than the first technique, not more than 10 times better.

The average response

The average time of the second technique was 37.45ms. The second took 114.57ms on average, about three times less.

Server cost

The second technique provides good performance in low memory, while the first technique has problems booting in low memory.


The advantages and disadvantages of each technology framework are different in different scenarios, and heterogeneous frameworks are a good solution to get the right tools to do the right things. Which technology would you choose as your solution for the current scenario?

I want to choose the first option!!