copyright: this article by [Moneo-ai] original, you big guy, one read, please refer to
statement: as one of the bloggers in AI field,
lives up to your time and your
Basic Information
View system information
Cat /etc/issue Ubuntu 16.04.7lts \n \ LCopy the code
View the current Cuda version
nvcc -V
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2019 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Sun_Jul_28_19:07:16_PDT_2019
Cuda compilation tools, release 10.1, V10.1.243
Copy the code
View the current Cudnn version
cat /usr/local/cuda/include/cudnn.h | grep CUDNN_MAJOR -A 2
#define CUDNN_MAJOR 7
#define CUDNN_MINOR 6
#include "driver_types.h"
Copy the code
start setting up the PyTorch =0.4.0 environment
Step 1 Conda create environment Torch04
Conda create -n torch04 python=3.6.6Copy the code
The following libraries are installed by default
Step 2: Install PyTorch =0.4.0
The installation command is as follows
sourceActivate Torch04 Conda Install PyTorch =0.4.0 -c PytorchCopy the code
The Conda environment for PyTorch =0.4.0 will install CudatoolKit 8.0 required to run Python
Step 3: Install other dependent libraries
PIP install torchVision ==0.1.6 matplotlib opencv-python TQDM scikit-image scipy==0.19.1Copy the code
more effective tutorials
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Mexic AI
as one of the bloggers with the most dry goods in the field of AI,
lives up to his time and qing
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