Second State was recently awarded a grant from Panvala, the largest decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Founded and incubated by ConsenSys, Panvala finances one of the most important foundational software projects in the Ethereum ecosystem. Projects Panvala has funded include Sigma Prime, Prysmatic Labs, MakerDAO, Aragon, Status, and Gitcoin.

Prior to the Panvala grant, Second State was recognized as one of the core developers of ethereum infrastructure and received financial support from the Ethereum Foundation and the Ethereum Classics Lab.

Panvala is funding Second State’s SOLL compiler project. SOLL compiler is one of the key tools and core technologies of Ethereum 2.0. SOLL is the world’s first Solidity smart contract compiled into WebAssembly bytecode and successfully deployed to the toolchain in the Ethereum Foundation’s official Ewasm (Ethereum WebAssembly) test network. Prior to SOLL, there was no simple tool to compile and deploy Solidity smart contracts to ewASM-based blockchains. SOLL greatly refines the infrastructure needed to implement Ethereum 2.0.

The Second State team released version 0.0.5 of the SOLL compiler in January 2020. This release adds support for YUL intermediate languages, making it possible to support multiple programming languages including Solidity and Vyper on the front end of the toolchain. SOLL already supports YUL’s basic syntax, such as basic arithmetic, compare, store, and load built-in functions.

Panvala’s funding will accelerate SOLL’s goal of fully supporting ethereum’s front-end language.


  • SOLL project source code repo

  • A video demonstration of Ewasm’s SOLL

  • EVM entry – LLVM project

  • Second State BUIDL IDE project

  • BUIDL Starter guide