Hi, I’m Daotin, front end team leader. If you want to get more front end highlights, follow me and unlock new front end growth poses.

Recently updated articles:

  • Waterfall flow, it’s so easy
  • Four common ajax cross-domain solutions (easy to understand)
  • JS static type detection, there is an internal smell

The following text:


The scrollIntoView() method for DOM elements is a native JS API, also supported by IE6, that lets the element enter the viewport by triggering the location of the scrolling container.


element.scrollIntoView(); // Equivalent to element.scrollinToView (true)
element.scrollIntoView(boolean); Boolean arguments,true or false
element.scrollIntoView(options); // Object parameters
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When the argument is Boolean:

  • If true, the top of the element is aligned with the top of the visible area of the scroll area in which it is located. Corresponding options: {block:”start”,inline:”nearest”}

  • If false, the bottom of the element is aligned with the bottom of the visible area of the scroll area in which it is located. Corresponding options: {block:”end”,inline:”nearest”}

When the parameter is an options object, the attributes are:

  • Behavior: Defines the animation transition effect, one of “auto” or “smooth “. The default is “auto”.

  • Block: Defines vertical alignment, one of “start”, “Center “, “end”, or “nearest”. The default is “start”.

  • Inline: Defines the horizontal alignment of one of “start”, “Center “, “end”, or “nearest”. The default is “nearest”.

PS: CSS smooth scrolling:

.box {
    scroll-behavior: smooth; 
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Reference documentation


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