Note source: Hook Education – big front end employment Training camp

Content: Notes, thoughts and experiences in the process of learning

Scaffolding tool

Scaffolding tool

The role is to quickly create the basic (reusable) structure of the project and provide project specifications and conventions


  • General purpose scaffolding: Yeoman et al
  • Dedicated scaffolding: vuE-CLI, create-react-app, Angular-CLI, etc

Yeoman scaffolding

Basic Concepts:

  • Yeoman is a scaffold tool
    • Helps developers create basic organization code
  • Yo is Yeoman’s command-line management tool
    • You can run the yeoman command from the command line
  • Generator: Yeoman kind of concrete scaffolding
    • There are different scaffolds for different projects, such as websites, apps, applets, etc

Method of use

  1. Global Installation yo:npm install --global yo
  2. Installation of the generator:npm install -golbal generator-webapp
  3. Run generator with YO:mkdir project-name > cd project-name > yo webapp
  4. Start the app:npm run start