This is the 9th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge


  • SASS website

  • The most mature, stable, and powerful professional CSS extension language in the world!

  • Sass is a CSS precompilation tool

  • The ability to write CSS more elegantly

  • Sass writes stuff that browsers don’t know

  • Convert to CSS to run in the browser

  • That’s when we need a tool to do it for us

Install the SASS environment

  • Previous Sass needed to rely on a Ruby environment

  • Sass now relies on a Python environment

  • But as our Node becomes more powerful, we can just rely on the Node environment

  • We need to use NPM to install a global SASS environment

    #Install the global SASS environment
    $ npm install -g sass
    Copy the code

Compile sass

  • Once you have the global SASS environment

  • We are ready to compile the sass file

  • Sass files have two suffixes, one is.sass and the other is.scss

  • The difference between them is that there are {} and;

  • The SCSS document

    h1 {
        width: 100px;
        height: 200px;
    Copy the code
  • The sass files

    	width: 100px
    	height: 200px
    Copy the code
  • We use.scss files more often

  • Let’s ignore the contents of the.scss or.sass file

  • We’re going to use instructions to turn these two files into CSS files

    #Compile index.scss and output it as index.css
    $ sass index.scss index.css
    Copy the code
  • So we can get a CSS file, and we can also introduce a CSS file in the page

Real-time compilation

  • The way we just compiled can only compile once

  • When you modify the file, you must execute the command again

  • Real-time compilation is automatically translated from new files to CSS files as you modify them

  • It’s also done using instructions

    #Monitor the index. SCSS file in real time, compile it automatically as soon as it changes and put it in the index. CSS file
    $ sass --watch index.scss:index.css
    Copy the code
  • Then you just modify the contents of the index.scss file and the contents of the index.css file will be updated automatically

Real-time monitoring directory

  • Previous real-time monitoring could only monitor one file

  • But we may have to write a lot of documents

  • So we’re going to have a folder that’s going to be filled with sASS files

  • Compile every file in the CSS folder in real time

  • It’s still done in the form of instructions

    #Real-time monitoring of the sass directory, as long as there is a change, will be real-time response in the CSS folder
    $ sass --watch sass:css
    Copy the code
  • This way, whenever you modify the contents of the Sass folder, they will be displayed in the CSS folder in real time

  • When you add a new file, it responds in real time

  • But when you delete a file, the CSS folder will not be automatically deleted, we need to manually delete