A, install,

SASS is written in Ruby, and you must install Ruby before you install SASS. Ruby installation address: rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ after installation, we can perform the following command to see whether the installation is successful:

ruby -v
Copy the code

If the following information is displayed, the installation is successful:

Next, install sass:

gem install sass
Copy the code

You will notice that the current folder has an extra folder, and you can start using it.

Second, the use of

Next create a project folder,

SASS files are plain text files where CSS syntax can be used directly. The file name extension is. SCSS, which means Sassy CSS.


Copy the code

The following command can be displayed on the screen. SCSS file converted CSS code.

sass sass/index.scss
Copy the code

SASS provides four options for compilation styles:

Nested: nested indented CSS code, which is the default.

* expanded: Unindented, expanded CSS code.

* Compact: CSS code in compact format.

* compressed: Compressed CSS code.

In production environments, the last option is typically used.

    sass --style compressed sass/index.scss css/index.css
Copy the code

Then you’ll notice that THERE’s an index. CSS folder in the CSS folder I just created

Add the index.css file to index