In this article, we take a look at the production-ready features that Spring Boot Actuators provide, such as monitoring endpoints, Health checks, and Metrics.
Monitoring the endpoint
Let’s start with a new module:
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? > <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=""> < modelVersion > 4.0.0 < / modelVersion > < groupId > me. Josephzhu < / groupId > < artifactId > spring101 - ops < / artifactId > <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <packaging>jar</packaging> <name> Spring101-OPS </name> <description>Demo projectfor Spring Boot</description>
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In addition to the necessary actuator and Web launcher, the Data-redis launcher is used to test some functions. Then create the main program:
package me.josephzhu.spring101ops;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.web.client.RestTemplateBuilder;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
public class Spring101OpsApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder){; }}Copy the code
Create a test Controller:
package me.josephzhu.spring101ops;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import java.util.List;
public class MyController {
StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate;
public List<MyItem> items(@RequestParam(value = "count",defaultValue = "10") int count){
stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set("testKey"."value" + count);
return IntStream.rangeClosed(1,count).mapToObj(i->new MyItem("name"+ i,i)).collect(Collectors.toList()); }}Copy the code
Here’s a useful MyItem:
package me.josephzhu.spring101ops;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
public class MyItem {
private String name;
private Integer price;
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Finally, configure
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Here are a few configurations:
- Change the access port of the actuator to 8081
- Open all access endpoints. After Spring Security is introduced, you can perform more Security configurations on exposed breakpoints. It is not recommended to directly enable all endpoints in production environments
- The health check endpoint displays the details, and if the details are not expanded, there is only one overall status information
Start the program access to the following address, http://localhost:8081/actuator, you can see page lists support function link, commonly used are:
- Auditevents: displays auditevents
- Beans: View the list of beans in Spring
- Conditions: View the Spring Boot automatic configuration matching process
- Configprops: View all configurations
- Env: Check the Spring ConfigurableEnvironment
- Health: Check application health, more on this later
- Httptrace: View details of HTTP requests and responses (default: 100)
- Info: View program information, more on this later
- Loggers: views log configurations and supports dynamic change of log levels
- Metrics: View all metrics information, more on this later
- Mappings: View the @requestMapping configuration of MVC
- Scheduledtasks: displays scheduledtasks
- Sessions: View and delete the user session
- Shutdown: Gracefully stop the program
- Threaddump: threaddump
- Heapdump: Downloads the GZIP compressed hprof file
- Logfile: Specifies the path for viewing log files
There are other built-in endpoints that will not be mentioned here, such as flyway for data migration, endpoints for Prometheus to pull metrics data, and endpoints that can be customized. Don’t underestimate these features, which make it easy to operate and maintain applications online:
- You can troubleshoot configuration and environment problems
- You can troubleshoot High CPU problems with thread Dump
- Memory leaks can be detected in heap dumps
- You can change the log level to troubleshoot program problems
- You can view scheduled tasks and RequestMapping
- Load balancers can have unified ports to check application status
- Various indicators within the program can be exposed, collected and summarized to draw the monitoring panel
- Information inside various other programs
Health check
Access /actuator/ Health watch the health check:
package me.josephzhu.spring101ops;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference;
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
import java.util.List;
public class MyServiceHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public Health health(a) {
try {
ResponseEntity<List<MyItem>> responseEntity ="http://localhost:8080/api/items",
HttpMethod.GET, ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyItem>>() {});
if (responseEntity.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful())
return Health.up().build();
return Health.down().status(responseEntity.getStatusCode().toString()).build();
} catch (Exception ex) {
returnHealth.down(ex).build(); }}}Copy the code
The implementation is very simple, just implement the HealthIndicator interface, our class is XXHealthIndicator, so it automatically adds an item called XX. In this case, we access a remote service, and when the service has a non-2XX response or an exception when calling the service, we consider the health of the service to be DOWN, otherwise it is UP. When down, we can pass in additional information such as status, exceptions, etc., for example, this is a down case:
The application of information
In this section, we’ll look at a simple configuration that exposes the following application information:
- Expose custom information through configuration
- Expose custom information programmatically
- Expose application build information
- Access/skeletonoid /info To expose git version information:
The first item in the screenshot shows that the JSON app exposes some custom information, which can be implemented by adding this configuration to the configuration file: SpringBoot Actuator how to configure Health/Info/Metrics etc. with Spring Boot physical info. App. Version = 1.0.1 info. The app. The author = JosephZhuCopy the code
Git JSON exposes git related information by adding a plug-in to the POM:
< plugin > < groupId > pl. Project13. Maven < / groupId > < artifactId > git - commit - id - the plugin < / artifactId > < version > 2.1.15 < / version > </plugin>Copy the code
In addition, if you want to view git details, you need to add the following configuration to the configuration file:
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This is done using the Maven plugin for Spring Boot. Add the build-info plugin to generate the Goal:
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Use Maven to run the two plug-ins and you can see that and are added. This is where the source of information is obtained:
package me.josephzhu.spring101ops;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class MyInfoContributor implements InfoContributor {
public void contribute(Info.Builder builder) {
builder.withDetail("key"."value").build(); }}Copy the code
Exposing important internal information about a program is often an important way to troubleshoot problems online. Info is suitable for displaying complex information that does not change much, and the following is more suitable if you want the entire history to be retained and monitored.
Monitor the rbi
Access /actuator/metrics to see the following information:
- Can accommodate up to 10+ monitoring databases, including Graphite, Influx, StatsD, and more.
- It defines this thing in a unified language.
- Automatic integration of many JVM information, including memory, GC, CPU, threads, and so on. We can click on any Metrics to check:
Now, let’s see how all the data can be sent to the InfluxDb using a few simple configurations. First, introduce an Influx dependency in the POM:
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For example, brew install influxdb on MacOS. Step 2: Add configuration:
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To explain these configurations one by one:
- The first configuration is to automatically enable the Timed logging for all Web requests, or manually annotate the Controller with the @timed annotation if this is not the case
- The second configuration is used to enable Influx support for Micrometer
- The third configuration is used to automatically create a database for the InfluxDB
- The fourth configuration specifies the database name of influxDB as myapp
- The fifth configuration specifies the period during which the reported data is summarized to influxDB
We can start the program, visit a few times more, http://localhost:8080/api/items, and then open the http://localhost:8081/actuator/metrics/http.server.requests view, You can see the number of times and the execution time of the specific request (proof 1) :
The 2018-10-08 20:49:41. 16390-429 the INFO [] - thread pool - 1-1 i.m icrometer. Influx. InfluxMeterRegistry: Successfully sent 73 metrics to influx 2018-10-08 20:49:51.483 INFO 16390 -- [pool-1-thread-1] i.micrometer.influx.InfluxMeterRegistry : successfully sent 73 metrics to influxCopy the code
With 73 monitoring metrics sent every 10 seconds to influxDB, we can enter the Influx client to see information about this measurement (start with use myapp) :
Custom monitoring points
Let’s take a look at customizing the Metrics TAB and modifying our Controller:
MeterRegistry meterRegistry;
public List<MyItem> items(@RequestParam(value = "count",defaultValue = "10") int count){
stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set("testKey"."value" + count);
meterRegistry.timer("mytimer").record(()-> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
meterRegistry.gauge("currentValue1", count);
return IntStream.rangeClosed(1,count).mapToObj(i->new MyItem("name" + i,i)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Copy the code
Here, we have injected the MeterRegistry class, which allows us to easily report various kinds of information. In MicroMeter, information is abstracted as follows:
- Status information refers to the current value of the information reported each time. Data cannot be accumulated. For example, if the current thread count is 48 and a minute later is 50, this value does not make much sense when aggregated (98 threads total? 49 threads on average?) , can only show a certain value at a certain time.
- Quantity information, such as the number of times a request was executed, can be either +1 or +N at a time, and this data can be aggregated. For example, if we reported 10 times and 20 times in 1 minute, the aggregate for 1 minute is 30, and each report records the total aggregate information.
- Execution time information, can be convenient statistical method execution time. In addition to the number of times, the total execution time, average execution time, and maximum execution time are also reported.
Isn’t it convenient? With the unified API of MicroMeter, we only need to collect index data as needed, and the rest of the process of data collation, summary and data reporting with the back-end database is automatically completed. Finally, we look at an example of converting /actuator/ Health information into BIS for reporting. We can obtain all the healthindicators and send them to the CompositeHealthIndicator to collect health information results. Then report the monitoring information through MeterRegistry:
package me.josephzhu.spring101ops;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import java.util.List;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
class HealthMetricsConfiguration {
private CompositeHealthIndicator compositeHealthIndicator;
public HealthMetricsConfiguration(HealthAggregator healthAggregator, List
healthIndicators, MeterRegistry registry)
compositeHealthIndicator = new CompositeHealthIndicator(healthAggregator);
for (Integer i = 0; i < healthIndicators.size(); i++) {
compositeHealthIndicator.addHealthIndicator(i.toString(), healthIndicators.get(i));
registry.gauge("health", emptyList(), compositeHealthIndicator, health -> {
Status status =;
switch (status.getCode()) {
case "UP":
return 3;
return 2;
case "DOWN":
return 1;
case "UNKNOWN":
return 0; }}); }}Copy the code
After restarting the app, wait a moment and check the InfluxDb data. Indeed, there are some records with value 3 representing UP:
This article covers the following with some examples:
- Functions of the Actuator module.
- Detailed health check endpoints, custom health check items.
- The data information endpoints are detailed and various additional data items are added to the program.
- Detailed monitoring of the three forms of the program report custom hit point.
- Simple use of InfluxDb and Grafana.
Indeed, each function is configured in simple steps, and Spring Boot Actuator is really convenient. These functions are essential for a real program that can be used in production environment. Spring Boot not only provides us with convenience, but also defines the architecture template for us. Make every developer aware of what they should be doing, which is why I keep saying that Spring leads enterprise stand-alone development and Spring Boot leads Internet microservices development.
However, due to the rapid development of Spring Boot, it will constantly absorb good open source projects and integrate them into the ecosystem, so there will be many changes in API. API is constantly being modified, which increases a lot of learning costs and pitfalls. Every coin has two sides, and we have to adapt to the rapid changes of Spring while enjoying the convenience of asking the Spring ecosystem to provide us with more and more functions.
As usual, the code for this series of articles can be found at my github:…