There are many classes of UIKIt implemented in RxCocoa. UIButton’s touchUpInside click method is used in many scenarios, so RxSwift adds a tap method to directly subscribe to UIButton’s click method.

The implementation is also an extension to UIControl.

This procedure creates an Observable (AnonymousObservable) object and a ControlEvent object. The Observable is held as the source by the ControlEvent and returns the ControlEvent object.


(_ Observer: Observable (Observer) -> Disposable (); subscribe (Observable); The final call to AnonymousObservable’s _subscribeHandler, the following code block, implements the event binding via controlTarget.

{ [weak control = self.base] observer in        MainScheduler.ensureRunningOnMainThread()        guard let control = control else {        observer.on(.completed)        return Disposables.create()        }        let controlTarget = ControlTarget(control: control, controlEvents: controlEvents) { _ in             observer.on(.next(()))        }
       return Disposables.create(with: controlTarget.dispose) }
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