Editor: Zhang Handong

Not surprisingly, Rust is the favorite language on the Stackoverflow list for the sixth year in a row.


RustChinaConf 2021 is started

The 2021 Rust China Conf is coming!

The conference will be held on The 45th floor of AI Tower, No. 701 Yunjin Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai on October 16 and 17, 2021.

Details: RustChinaConf 2021 officially launched

RustChinaConf 2021 Open Application shimo.im/ Forms/XQPWP…

UltraOS won the first prize in the first National College Students operating System Competition

Li Chenghao, Gong Haochen and Ren Xiangyu from Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) won the first prize of kernel implementation track. The instructors were Xia Wen and Jiang Zhongming. They used Rust language to design and implement RISC-V64 based multi-core operating system UltraOS, which supports QEMU and K210 platforms, and ranked first in several evaluation stages of the competition. Project web site [https://github.com/xiyurain/UltraOS] gitlab.eduxiji.net/ultrateam/u… (gitlab.eduxiji.net/ultrateam/u… Github.com/xiyurain/Ul…). The project uses GPL3.0 protocol, developers are welcome to use this project to learn. The project used RustSBI 2021.03.26 by Luo Jia and other developers, and Rcore Tutual-V3 2021.03.26 by Wu Yifan and other developers (experimental tutorial of 2021 OS course of Computer Department of Tsinghua University). This also shows that the development trend of Rust language is to develop operating system and other system software based on the model of open source community.

Rust Search Extension 1.3 released

Xiaobian Rust plugin released the new version of more than half a month, has forgotten to post, today to fill up. Welcome to experience!

What’s New: github.com/huhu/rust-s…


RIIR (Rewrite it in Rust ) Rome !

Its website says:

Rome is a tool development company that built the first all-in-one tool for JavaScript and Web development. We want to let product developers focus on building their products rather than providing tools and configuration for them. We have received $4.5 million in funding and are committed to the open source community. We are growing our team to rewrite Roma from scratch with Rust and lay the foundation for all our future work.

  • rome-tools-inc.breezy.hr/
  • rome.tools/

The first anniversary of Bevy’s release

The author writes as shown in the figure.

Working at Microsoft for a month is likely to cost $1.6 / month, but this guy is now considering a career in open source. $4,000 / month could even allow him to save some money. That’s true love.


The latest version of next.js 11.1 was released

Highlights: Replacing Babel and Terser with the Rust-based tool SWC.

– Recruited SWC writers to the team.


The first unofficial Rust programming language game Jam

The Jam focuses more on using Rust than anything else. This means you are not limited by design, music, or graphics, as long as you use Rust to make it!

W.. IO/jam/rusty – j…

The Rust Cloud Native Organization (Github Organization) was formed

[Rust-Cloud-native. Github. IO /] was established to promote the ecological development of Rust in the field of cloud native.

Rust Ecology already has several projects on cloud native:

  • Bottlerocket OS
  • Cloud Native Rust Day
  • Firecracker
  • kube-rs
  • Kubewarden
  • Krustlet
  • Rust Foundation
  • TiKV

This organization exists to enable the use of Rust in the “cloud,” with a focus on infrastructure software and related components. You’re probably familiar with “cloud” technologies like Docker and Kubernetes. The organization exists to promote projects that exist in the same area of technology.

This blog post is just an appeal. Since there is currently no central location for cloud native Rust, the organizers mainly want to get something started.

For details, please refer to: nickgerace dev/post/launch…

Wgpu V0.10 released, written in pure Rust

Wgpu is a secure and portable GPU abstraction written in Rust and implements the WebGPU API.

Features to look forward to include a flatter GPU abstraction and a smaller code base, as well as the benefits of using the Rust stack entirely, including easier builds and less compile-time quirks.

The Bevy team decided to completely remove the old “abstract rendering layer” in favor of a rendering abstraction that uses WGPU as its core, in order to make the code cleaner, simpler, and more compatible with the broad WGPU ecosystem.

GFX – rs. Making. IO / 2021/08/18 /…

Comments from Bevy core Developers:

As the lead developer at Bevy, I’m excited about this release for a number of reasons.

  • The smaller (and less abstract) code base means we can more easily extend the WGPU with the functionality we need now and in the future. (e.g. XR, raytracing, exposing raw back-end apis). The barriers to entry are much lower.
  • This shows that the WGPU team is receptive to our feedback. There was a time during our “New Renderer experiment” when we were considering other “flatter” GPU abstractions for our new renderer. They immediately took this into account and initiated the redesign. There were a few other people who had similar feedback, so I can’t take full credit for that, but the timing was perfect.
  • The pure Rust stack means our build is simpler. Combined with Naga’s shader reflection and compilation, we can remove many of the “build quirks” from non-Rust dependencies in our pipeline. Windows in particular suffered from this build quirk, and I’m glad I no longer have to deal with it.
  • Due to the past few points, the “risk” of using WGPU as our “primary GPU abstraction layer” has been greatly reduced. Therefore, we decided to completely remove our old “abstract rendering layer” and use wGPU instead. This means that wGPU is no longer a “bevy_render back end “. It is now bevy_Render’s core GPU abstraction. This makes our code smaller, simpler, and more compatible with the wider WGPU ecosystem.
  • The new WGPU has an ongoing WebGL2 backend. This will hopefully eventually eliminate the need for a third-party bevy_webgl2 backend (which served us well, but has its own quirks and complexities).

Apache Arrow DataFusion 5.0.0

The Apache Arrow team is pleased to announce DataFusion 5.0.0. This covered four months of development work and included 211 submissions from the following 31 different contributors.


How do YOU organize a large Rust Workspace

In this article, the author shares his experience organizing a large Rust project. This is not definitive, just a few tricks the author discovered through trial and error.

Matklad. Making. IO / 2021/08/22 /…