String type… Don’t forget the RUST standard in your study

There are six main text types in Rust:

  • character:The type of rust is char
  • string:The type of rust is & STR
  • raw string:
  • byte
  • byte string
  • raw byte string

String in the RUST standard library

  • charTo holdSingle Unicode character, occupying 4 bytes of space (32 bits).
  • std::strString slice type (string literal)
  • std::string::String

The standard librarystd::char

use std::char; 

println!("{}".char::from_u32(0x2764).unwrap()); / / ❤
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The standard librarystd::str

STR is used with & to indicate the slice type. Basic data type, stored on a stack

let a: &str = "this is std::str"; // Slice type
let b = [12.23];

println!("{} - {:? }", a, b);
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The STR slice type is not directly accessible (the dynamic size type) and must be used for the reference string. Below is a slice that generates another slice

let s: &str = "this slice type string"

let d: &str = &s[..5]
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Sliced strings are immutable and can only be used by slicing reference parts in an applied manner. Of course, type conversions are covered later.

The standard librarystd::string::String

String is more flexible than the STR slice type. String can be used directly without using the use keyword. Reference data type, stored in the heap:

The new method creates a null character

let empty_str = String::new()
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From creates a string

const str: String = String::from("this is flex string");
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A conversion between STR and String

String -> STR is cheap

  • Dereference: Use a Deref method for String
  • use+A hyphen

STR -> String is not cheap

  • redistribution