In the previous article, rushJS + PNPM’s Preliminary study of Monorepo, we started our first attempt of Monorepo through rushJS + PNPM. Today, we will talk about some advanced uses. The author will mainly explain some scenarios he used in the project, and please be polite if there is anything inappropriate.
Rush command
rush add
Rush add command is a commonly used command. In the last article, we used rush add command. We added a new package in Monorepo through rush add -p command
usage: rush add [-h] -p PACKAGE [--exact] [--caret] [--dev] [-m] [-s] [--all]
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Adding a library to a package we have already used, so let’s try adding a library to a package. Let’s try using the monorepo project created in the previous article to add the Lodash library to landing application
cd apps/landing
rush add -p lodash
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After the installation command is executed, we can look at the landing package.json and see that it has been added to
If you look at the pnpm-lock.yaml changes, you can see that there is a new lodash change
Add devDep to dependencies. Add @types/lodash to add ts to your dependencies. Add devDep to dependencies. Just add it to devDep
rush build
Build commands, which can be used in project deployment or CI processes, can be seen in the official documentation for Usage
usage: rush build [-h] [-p COUNT] [-t PROJECT] [-T PROJECT] [-f PROJECT]
[--to-version-policy VERSION_POLICY_NAME]
[--from-version-policy VERSION_POLICY_NAME] [-v] [-c]
[--ignore-hooks] [--disable-build-cache]
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Build all projects without any parameters. Use the -t parameter if you want to build a specific project. We used Rush Build to build all projects in the last article
These two directories are generated after build, let’s delete these two directories first, and then see if there are generated directories and products
Go back to the root directory and run the build command
rush build -t @shared/components
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Let’s try building the Landing package, delete the dist and run the build command
rush build -t landing
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The @shared/ Components package is a reference to the @shared/ Components package when landing
rush list
This command simply displays all of the packages and does not do much else
rush check
This command is useful for checking whether all dependencies in package.json for each subproject are of the same version, such as the lodash command we used above
Let’s experiment by installing a specific version of LoDash in @shared/ Components
Rush to the add -p lodash@4.17.11Copy the code
After that we run the command to see if we can detect it
rush check
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As you can see, different versions of LoDash are detected here, which can be used in conjunction with CI. In projects, we make sure that all libraries are kept the same version, and that when a library needs to be upgraded to the latest version, it is upgraded to the same version
rush purge
This command is used to delete some temporary files created by Rush, and is very useful when it is suspected that some cache files are causing some problems
Instead of experimenting here, this command can be used in conjunction with rush Update
rush update --purge
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Some supplemental use
PNPM – lock. Yaml conflict
This situation is quite common, and it can’t be avoided when developing multiple people, just need to rush update to generate YAML files and submit them