Explore the principle of message forwarding mechanism
In this article, we explore the nature of a method call by first looking at what the nature of a method call looks like by converting the method call code into c++ code. xcrun -sdk iphoneos clang -arch arm64 -rewrite-objc main.m
The person object calls the test method
[person test];
// -------- c++ low-level code
((void (*)(id, SEL))(void *)objc_msgSend)((id)person, sel_registerName("test"));
Copy the code
It can be seen from the above C++ source code conversion that the OC usually calls the object method, in fact, in the bottom is converted to objc_msgSend function, namely the message sending mechanism, object call method is to send messages to this object. The above person calls the test method, which sends a message named test to Person, who is the recipient of the message, and test, the name of the message.
- The phases of a method call:
Message sending phase:
The method cache list and method list of the current class will be searched first. If the method cache list and method list of the parent class are not found, the method cache list and method list will be searched until the base class. If they don’t find it, they go inDynamic resolution stage
;Dynamic parsing stage:
This phase can dynamically add method implementations to methods not found above, or enter if no method implementations are added eitherMessage forwarding phase
;Message forwarding stage:
This phase can be implemented by forwarding the above method (message) to other objects that can handle the message.If this method isn’t implemented by forwarding the message to another object when it gets to the message forwarding stage, the program reports a classic crash error, with the message recognzied selector sent to instance
Let’s explore the three stages in the source code is how to perform: _class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache3 function
IMP _class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache3(id obj, SEL sel, Class cls)
return lookUpImpOrForward(cls, sel, obj,
YES/*initialize*/, NO/*cache*/, YES/*resolver*/);
Copy the code
Let’s look inside lookUpImpOrForward:
IMP lookUpImpOrForward(Class cls, SEL sel, id inst,
bool initialize, bool cache, bool resolver)
Class curClass;
IMP methodPC = nil;
Method meth;
bool triedResolver = NO;
methodListLock.assertUnlocked(a);//============= Message sending phase ===================
// 1. Implement methodPC(IMP) in the current class cache
if (behavior & LOOKUP_CACHE) {
methodPC = _cache_getImp(cls, sel);
MethodPC (IMP) returns the address of the method without proceeding if it is found
if (methodPC) goto out_nolock;
// Check the freed classes
if (cls == _class_getFreedObjectClass())
return (IMP) _freedHandler;
// Class initialization method related +initialize
if((behavior & LOOKUP_INITIALIZE) && ! cls->isInitialized()) {
initializeNonMetaClass (_class_getNonMetaClass(cls, inst));
methodListLock.lock(a);// 1.1 Prevent dynamic method addition, cache will change, again find cache.
methodPC = _cache_getImp(cls, sel);
// If imp is found, call done directly and return the methodPC(IMP) method address
if (methodPC) goto done;
// find the method in the class object according to sel
meth = _class_getMethodNoSuper_nolock(cls, sel);
if (meth) {
// If a method is found, the method is cached in this class,
log_and_fill_cache(cls, cls, meth, sel);
methodPC = method_getImplementation(meth);
// Call done directly, returning the methodPC(IMP) method address
goto done;
// If no method is found in the list of class methods, look for the method in the parent's cache or in the list of methods
curClass = cls;
// loop: if the parent cache list and method list cannot find the method, go to the parent class to find the method.
while ((curClass = curClass->superclass)) {
// find in the parent cache
meth = _cache_getMethod(curClass, sel, _objc_msgForward_impcache);
if (meth) {
if(meth ! = (Method)1) {
// If a method is found in the parent class, the method is cached in that class,
log_and_fill_cache(cls, curClass, meth, sel);
methodPC = method_getImplementation(meth);
// Call done directly, returning the methodPC(IMP) method address
goto done;
else {
break; }}// Find the list of methods of the parent class
meth = _class_getMethodNoSuper_nolock(curClass, sel);
if (meth) {
// If a method is found in the parent class, the method is cached in that class,
log_and_fill_cache(cls, curClass, meth, sel);
methodPC = method_getImplementation(meth);
// Call done directly, returning the methodPC(IMP) method address
gotodone; }}//---------------- The message sending phase is complete ---------------------
//============= dynamic parsing phase ===================
TriedResolver defaults to false
if((behavior & LOOKUP_RESOLVER) && ! triedResolver) { methodListLock.unlock(a); _class_resolveMethod(cls, sel, inst); triedResolver = YES;// The triedResolver will be set to YES regardless of whether dynamic resolver succeeds
goto retry;
/ / -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- dynamic phase completed -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
// ---------------- Message forwarding phase ---------------------
_cache_addForwardEntry(cls, sel);
methodPC = _objc_msgForward_impcache;
methodListLock.unlock(a);// The implementation of out_NOLock for the message sending phase above
if ((behavior & LOOKUP_NIL) && methodPC == (IMP)_objc_msgForward_impcache) {
return nil;
return methodPC;
Copy the code
The runtime source code above shows the sequence and logic of the three phases:
Message sending phase
1. In combination with the source message sending stage, we can summarize as follows:
Dynamic resolution stage
- When no method can be found in this class, including its parent cache and class_rw_t, the dynamic method parsing phase occurs. Let’s look at the source code for the dynamic parsing phase (as in lookUpImpOrForward above) :
if((behavior & LOOKUP_RESOLVER) && ! triedResolver) { methodListLock.unlock(a); _class_resolveMethod(cls, sel, inst); triedResolver = YES;// The triedResolver will be set to YES regardless of whether dynamic resolver succeeds
goto retry;
Copy the code
After dynamic resolution, triedResolver = YES will be used to retry the method again. That is, whether we implement dynamic parsing or not, and whether it is successful or not, dynamic parsing will not be repeated after retry.
Taking a look at the _class_resolveMethod function, we can see that there are different treatments for either class objects or metaclass objects
static void
_class_resolveMethod(id inst, SEL sel, Class cls)
if (! cls->isMetaClass()) {
_class_resolveInstanceMethod(inst, sel, cls);
else {
_class_resolveClassMethod(inst, sel, cls);
if (!lookUpImpOrNilTryCache(inst, sel, cls)) { _class_resolveInstanceMethod(inst, sel, cls); }}}Copy the code
Draw the flow chart according to the source code as follows:
How is dynamic resolution used in a project
1. Dynamically parses object methods: When dynamically parses object methods: the +(BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod (SEL) SEL method is called. When a class method is dynamically resolved, the +(BOOL)resolveClassMethod (SEL) SEL method is called. Here’s how to do it in code:
// Write a Student class
// student.h declares the study method
@interface Student : NSObject
// There is no way to implement it
@implementation Student
+ (BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)sel
// Dynamic add method implementation
if (sel = = @selector(study)){
// Get Pointers to other methods to method_t
Method otherMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self.@selector(play));
// Dynamically add an implementation of the test method
class_addMethod(self, sel, method_getImplementation(otherMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(otherMethod));
// Returning YES indicates that there is a dynamic add method
return YES;
return [super resolveInstanceMethod:sel];
NSLog(@"like playing");
// Create the student object in viewController and call the study method
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
Student *student = [[Student alloc] init];
[student study];
// Finally NSLog prints "like playing"
Copy the code
As you can see from the above code, student declares the study method, but does not implement the study method. Instead, student dynamically parses the method to implement the play method, and finally executes the contents of the Play method. ResolveInstanceMethod resolveInstanceMethod resolveInstanceMethod resolveInstanceMethod resolveInstanceMethod resolveInstanceMethod resolveInstanceMethod resolveInstanceMethod resolveInstanceMethod resolveInstanceMethod resolveInstanceMethod resolveInstanceMethod resolveInstanceMethod It is important to note that class_addMethod is used to add a new method to a class that has a given name and implementation. Class_addMethod adds an override of the method implementation, but does not replace the existing implementation, so if Student writes the study method implementation, The dynamic parsing method will not be executed, as the source code shows.
- The above is used during dynamic parsing methods
Function, let’s see what the class_addMethod argument represents:
/** first parameter: CLS: add method to which class second parameter: SEL name: add method name third parameter: IMP IMP: Method implementation, function entry, function name can be different from the method name (it is recommended to use the same method name)
class_addMethod(__unsafe_unretained Class cls, SEL name, IMP imp, const char *types)
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The above parameters have been explained in detail in the above article, so you can see them again if you are not clear. Here we mainly explore the Method of class_getInstanceMethod obtaining Method
OtherMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, @selector(other));Copy the code
As mentioned above, method_T represents a Method structure, which contains SEL, type, and IMP. We customize the Method structure. Force objc_method to method_t to see if the method can be added dynamically.
+ (BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)sel
// Dynamic add method implementation
if (sel = = @selector(study)) {
// Method is strongly converted to method_t
struct method_t *method = (struct method_t *)class_getInstanceMethod(selfThe @selector(play));
NSLog(@ "%s%,p%,s",method->sel.method->imp.method->types); // Dynamic addtestMethod implementationclass_addMethod(self.sel.method->imp.method->types); / / returnYESIndicates a dynamic add methodreturn YES;
return [super resolveInstanceMethod:sel];
- (void) play {
NSLog(@"like playing");
Copy the code
Print the following:
like playing
Copy the code
The actual result is exactly what we guessed, that the dynamically parsed method paly executes correctly, and that objc_method does have the same internal structure as method_t.
In the above code we retrieve imp and types via the method_getImplementation and method_getTypeEncoding functions, or method-> IMP, method->types, We could also write imp and types ourselves and implement:
+(BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)sel { if (sel == @selector(study)) { class_addMethod(self, sel, (IMP)play, "v@:"); return YES; } return [super resolveInstanceMethod:sel]; } void play(id self ,SEL _cmd) { NSLog(@"like playing"); } // The final NSLog prints "like playing"Copy the code
The result of the above dynamic parsing is the same for all three types of method calls, because they essentially pass the four arguments in class_addMethod: class (object), sel (method name), IMP (method implementation), and types
2. Dynamically parse class methods:
CLS: +(BOOL)resolveClassMethod:(SEL) SEL method :(SEL) SEL method: +(BOOL)resolveClassMethod:(SEL) SEL
+ (BOOL)resolveClassMethod:(SEL) SEL {if (SEL == @selector(study)) {// the first argument is object_getClass(self), passed to the metaclass object. class_addMethod(object_getClass(self), sel, (IMP)play, "v@:"); return YES; } return [super resolveClassMethod:sel]; } void play(id self, SEL _cmd) { NSLog(@"like playing"); } // The final NSLog prints "like playing"Copy the code
Message forwarding phase
If the method is not found and is not dynamically resolved, then the final message forwarding phase occurs
_cache_addForwardEntry(cls, sel);
methodPC = _objc_msgForward_impcache;
Copy the code
Here we call _objc_msgForward_impcache to enter the forwarding phase: The __objc_msgForward_impcache function implementation can be found in the assembly by searching. The __objc_msgForward_impcache function calls __objc_msgForward to find __objc_forward_handler.
objc_defaultForwardHandler(id self, SEL sel)
_objc_fatal("%c[%s %s]: unrecognized selector sent to instance %p "
"(no message forward handler is installed)".class_isMetaClass(object_getClass(self)) ? '+' : The '-'.object_getClassName(self), sel_getName(sel), self);
Copy the code
Here we find a print, which is a crash caused by method not being found. Is this a familiar error in a project?
Since the code is not open source, we can’t see the rest of the process, but we can guess that the object that can implement the method will also call objc_msgSend, go through the process of message sending, dynamic parsing, message forwarding, and finally find a method to call.
Let’s look at how message forwarding is used in practice in the project: create a Friend object with a study method declaration and implementation:
@interface Friend : NSObject
@implementation Friend
NSLog(@"Friend study");
/// in the previous student.m
@implementation Student
- (id)forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector
// Return an object that can process the message
if (aSelector = = @selector(study)) {
/// forward the study to the Friend object for implementation
return [[Friend alloc] init];
return [super forwardingTargetForSelector:aSelector];
// Print the result: "Friend study"
Copy the code
As can be seen from the above code:
In the forward phase can be realized through (id) forwardingTargetForSelector: (SEL) to forward the message to aSelector method can realize object of this method.
And if (id) forwardingTargetForSelector: (SEL) the inside of the aSelector not fulfilled or to achieve the return object is nil words is called methodSignatureForSelecto NSMethodSignature (*) R :(SEL)aSelectorf method, which returns a method signature.
If methodSignatureForSelector methods return the correct signature is called forwardInvocation method,
@implementation Student
return nil;
if (aSelector = = @selector(study)){
// There are three ways to write:
// Use the types invocation directly, but be consistent with the actual invocation of the types method otherwise the information in the anInvocation will be inaccurate
// return [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes: "v16@0:8"];
//return [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes: "v@:"];
return [[[Friend alloc] init] methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
return [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
-(void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation{
/// Set the method call object to the Friend object that can implement the method
[anInvocation invokeWithTarget: [[Friend alloc] init]];
Copy the code
The role of the NSInvocation
- Theoretically speaking, if we simply implement message forwarding, we can use it
Methods to achieve. There is no need for methodSignatureForSelector and forwardInvocation implementation, so what exactly is the purpose of anInvocation object?
1. MethodSignatureForSelector method returned in the method signature, packaged into NSInvocation object in forwardInvocation 2. NSInvocation provides access and modify the method name and methods of parameters and return values, that is to say, The final modification to the method can be made in the forwardInvocation function.
/ / Friend. H and m
@interface Friend : NSObject
@implementation Friend
NSLog(@"Friend study");
return time * 2;
/ / Student. H and m
@interface Student : NSObject
@implementation Student
return nil;
if (aSelector = = @selector(study:)){
// Add an int argument with the return value of types I @: I
return [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes: "i@:i"];
return [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
-(void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation{
int time;
By default, the method also has two arguments, self and CMD, so the subscript of the new argument is 2
[anInvocation getArgument:&time atIndex:2];
NSLog(@"Parameter value before modification = %d",time);
time = time + 10; / / 30
NSLog(@"Modified parameter value = %d",time);
// Set the parameter of the method
[anInvocation setArgument: &time atIndex:2];
/// Set the method call object to the Friend object that can implement the method
[anInvocation invokeWithTarget: [[Friend alloc] init]].// Get the return value of the method
int result;
[anInvocation getReturnValue: &result];
NSLog(@"Get method return value = %d",result); // result = 40, the parameters are successfully modified
result = 100;
// Set the return value of the method to 99
[anInvocation setReturnValue: &result];
// Get the return value of the method
[anInvocation getReturnValue: &result];
NSLog(@"Change method return value = %d",result); // result = 100
/ / call
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
Student *student = [[Student alloc] init];
[student study:10];
Copy the code
Print result:
2021-05-21 17:33:12.622222+0800 MessageForwarding[50333:952591] Value before modification = 10 2021-05-21 17:33:12.622299+0800 MessageForwarding[50333:952591] New value = 20 2021-05-21 17:33:12.622370+0800 MessageForwarding[50333:952591] Friend Study 2021-05-21 17:33:12.622435+0800 MessageForwarding[50333:952591] Obtain method return value = 40 2021-05-21 17:33:12.622527+0800 MessageForwarding[50333:952591] The return value of the modification method is = 100Copy the code
You can see that the method is called when the tagert is set to Friend and the return value is printed after the forwardInvocation method ends.
It can be seen from the result that the forwardInvocation method can modify the original method parameters and return values, that is, we can determine whether to modify the method parameters and return values according to our business requirements.
Message forwarding of class methods The message forwarding process of class methods is basically the same as that of object methods.
When the class object for message forwarding, to call the corresponding number + forwardingTargetForSelector, methodSignatureForSelector, forwardInvocation method, it is important to note number + method not only hint, Instead, the system does not forward messages to class methods.
/ / Friend. H and m
@interface Friend : NSObject
@implementation Friend
NSLog(@"Friend study");
/ / Student. H and m
@interface Student : NSObject
@implementation Student
+ (id)forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector
// Return an object that can process the message
if (aSelector = = @selector(study)) {
// We need to return the class object
return [Friend class];
return [super forwardingTargetForSelector:aSelector]; } / / ifforwardInvocationFunction returnsnilExecute the following code // method signature: return value type, parameter type + (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector: (SEL)aSelector
if (aSelector = = @selector(study)) {
return [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes: "v@:"];
return [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
+ (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
[anInvocation invokeWithTarget: [Friend class]];
@end// call - (void)viewDidLoad {[super viewDidLoad];
Student *student = [[Student alloc] init];
[Student study];
// Print the result "Friend study"
Copy the code
Code validation shows that class object methods can also forward messages. It is important to note that the recipients of class methods are class objects. The other same object methods have the same message forwarding pattern.
Finally, we summarize the message forwarding stage with a graph:
Summary of message forwarding: Method calls in OC are essentially converted to objc_msgSend function calls, which send a message (selector method name) to the receiver. The whole method call process is the implementation of objc_msgSend bottom is divided into three stages: message sending, dynamic method parsing, message forwarding, the article has explored the whole process from the source code to the project code ~
This article is a summary of personal learning. If there are mistakes, please point out common progress ~