Hello everyone, I am blowing air conditioning wrapped in a quilt of fish.

ROS2 parameters are actually implemented with the service, how did fish know?

Run a random node and you can see many more parameters related to the service using the following instructions.

ros2 service list
Copy the code

Like starting the turtle simulator

ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node
Copy the code

These additional services are used to manipulate the parameters of this node

/turtlesim/describe_parameters/turtlesim/get_parameter_types/turtlesim/get_parameters/turtlesim/list_parameters/turtlesi m/set_parameters/turtlesim/set_parameters_atomicallyCopy the code

How do we view parameters using a service?

Adjust the service manually

ros2 service call /turtlesim/list_parameters rcl_interfaces/srv/ListParameters "{prefixes: [],depth: 0}"
Copy the code

Here you can see the four parameters in the result

names=['background_b', 'background_g', 'background_r','use_sim_time']
Copy the code

Use ros2 param list to see if this is correct

ros2 param list
Copy the code

Are they the same?


The above experiment tells us that the parameter operation of ROS2 is actually realized through service communication, and the parameter list acquisition, set and GET operations are to operate the corresponding service.

I am a small fish, welcome to follow the public account “Yu Xiang ROS” to join the technical exchange group! Learn ROS2 robot ~ together