The article directories

    • preface
    • (1) background
    • (2) the premise
    • (3) task
      • ⅰ Ros 2 installation environment
      • ⅱ Creating a Folder
      • Clone tutorial code
      • ⅳ Resolving dependencies
      • ⅴ build with colcon
      • Vi Install a custom workspace
      • ⅶ modified to cover
    • (4) summarize


Mainly learn how to use the client library to achieve their own functions, mainly introduced C++ and python, the other I do not know. Over the open sledding system, there are a number of eloquent ros2 libraries that don’t work, too

  • Rosidl_generator_java – Generates Java’s ROS interface.
  • Rosidl_generator_objc – Generates Objective C’s ROS interface.
  • Rosidl_generator_cpp – generates the ros interface for c++.
  • Rosidl_generator_c – Ros interface that generates C
  • Rosidl – provides ROS IDL (.msg) definitions and code generation packages.
  • Rosidl_dds – DDS interface that generates ROS interfaces.

Based on ros_tutorials, you can learn from the following sites

Creating a workspace

(1) background

The workspace is a directory containing the ROS 2 package. Before ROS 2 can be used, the installation workspace for ROS 2 must be installed on the terminal you want to use (via source your_ws/install/setup.bash). This allows you to use the package that comes with ROS2. You can create your own custom workspace, which is officially recommended, you can create a low-level workspace, and a business workspace, which contains all business dependencies, namely modularity

(2) the premise

Existing ones do not need to be re-installed

  • Install ros2
  • Install colconsudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
  • Install gitsudo apt install git
  • Install the turtlesudo apt install ros-<distro>-turtlesim
  • Install rosdepsudo apt-get install python-rosdep
  • Basic Linux commands, not here to check…
  • Text editor, on my sideC++Use of theClion.pythonUse of thepycharm

(3) task

ⅰ Ros 2 installation environment

To install the ros2 environment, run the following command on the terminal via source:

source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash
Copy the code


source /opt/ros/eloquent/setup.bash
Copy the code

It is recommended to write to the boot file.bashrc, so that you do not need to type, and will not forget

echo "source /opt/ros/eloquent/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
Copy the code

ⅱ Creating a Folder

Create a folder for each workspace, preferably one named dev_ws for development workspace

mkdir dev_ws
mkdir dev_ws/src
cd dev_ws/src
Copy the code

Just put your own package under SRC

Clone tutorial code

Execute the command under dev_ws/SRC path: git clone – b eloquent – devel

This is a download

ⅳ Resolving dependencies

In the future, when using other people’s packages, this is also the solution to the dependency problem

in~/dev_wsPath executionsudo rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro eloquent -y

In the event of an error, just follow the instructions

sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
Copy the code

If init keeps failing, do something about it. Bad network

ⅴ build with colcon

in~/dev_wsPath to compile, and the command is thiscolcon build

Other useful parameters for colcon Build:

  • --packages-up-toGenerate the required packages and all their dependencies, but not the entire workspace (to save time)
  • --symlink-installAvoids having to rebuild every time you adjust a Python script
  • --event-handlersConsole_direct + displays console output at build time

Vi Install a custom workspace

Setup.bash in the default installation path is automatic, so we only need to execute setup.bash under dev_ws in two ways

  • . install/local_setup.bash
  • source install/local_setup.bash

Custom workspaces with the same name will overwrite the installation path, check this outsetup.bashYou know the

ⅶ modified to cover

Modify the~/dev_ws/src/ros_tutorials/turtlesim/src/turtle_frame.cppLine 52, change tosetWindowTitle("MyTurtleSim")

And then compile and run it

So depending on the environment, the result of the execution will be different, the left side is not installed overlay, the right side is installed

(4) summarize

In this tutorial, you use the main ROS 2 release installation as the base and create an overlay (custom) by cloning and building the package in a new workspace. As you can see in the modified Turtlesim, overlays precede the path and take precedence over the bottom layer (/opt/ ROS).

It is recommended to use an overlay to handle a small number of packages, so you don’t have to put everything in the same workspace and don’t have to spend a lot of time compiling every time.