
  1. RocketMQ version

The company recently introduced RocketMQ Enterprise Platinum version of Ali Cloud, which is fully hosted by the Ali Cloud platform and provides a reliable asynchronous message-based communication mechanism between microservices, distributed systems and non-service applications, making it easy to build loosely coupled, scalable, and highly available distributed systems.

  1. The billing price

Overall, the price is reasonable, and most importantly, it saves a lot of trouble to use

Question origin

  1. Due to the large amount of concurrent usage of the system, messages are lost inexplicably during each restart
  2. The investigation quickly revealed that the reason was that the packaged RocketMQ component was not set to start and stop securely

The solution

1. Add a safe start and stop interface

2. Delay the start of RocektMQ after the application or bean initialization to avoid the message not being successfully consumed due to the initial initialization of the program

3. Similarly, safely shut down RocketMQ when the program is closed or restarted

4. Add event listener application stop and close double guarantee


When introducing a middleware or component, it is necessary to have a complete understanding of its startup, shutdown, and operation mechanisms to avoid non-runtime problems that can lead to accidents