“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


On the third day of 2021, my girlfriend broke up with me. Living together has caused a lot of conflict. She cut her losses in time, and I was forced to accept it. Muddled through the first half of the year. Took six months to get out of it. The lesson is, if you’re really nice to her, don’t ask. Because if you ask, you’ll get a no, but after a while she’ll start to wonder why you didn’t give anything. These are problems when conflicts break out.

In the second half of the year, my family asked me to go on a blind date: then I met my girlfriend, and now I just want to improve myself. Be nice to the girl. To make money. If learning the front end was about achievement, now it’s about money.


Two years of work, I met many like-minded partners in the company, but all good things come to an end. One by one, the best friends left the company. Gone are the people you used to go to the library with, play ball games with, go out to dinner with. The mood is also very lost, slowly also learn to accept parting. Back to the days when I first came to Hangzhou, I ate alone, stayed at home on weekends and went to the library alone.


This year is still a very busy year, and I saw hangzhou at 3 or 4 o ‘clock in the morning. Have been busy with projects, Dragon Boat Festival overtime, Mid-Autumn Festival overtime, National Day overtime. In my heart, I really don’t want to do projects any more. Too much time is catering to the interests of Party A. Button color changes. The most outrageous customers also put forward a visual large screen a pattern is unlucky, and then asked to change. How to do, for two two silver or endure it.


In terms of technology, I have made a little progress, integrating what I have learned before.

  1. Some of their own packages have also been released on NPM.

    • Shu-c-vchart for echarts secondary package

    • Pinia -d-persist A plug-in for persistent storage of pinia

  2. Familiar with rollup, Webpack, Vite and other packaging tools

  3. Build your own front-end architecture from scratch

  4. With KOA, I don’t need to write mock every day. Make one of your own

Outlook 2022,

  1. Vue source code understanding to collate and output articles
  2. There is more to technology than just application. Tools – source -> base -> collation -> output, can form a complete cycle