Hello, everyone, I am front-end Up master, a front-end engineer with a code cleanliness addiction.

If winter comes, can spring be far behind? Before you know it, 2020 will soon be over,

I am not a big man, but I have been on the way to the big man 😷(click a question ~)

Today, let’s think about all the fun things we did in 2020!

Let’s start with a picture (I made a fitness plan this year and took it while running)

Base:ZhengZhou, Time:2020/08/23

The summary is roughly divided into two parts to share with you

  1. Review”2020
  2. Looking forward to”2021

No ordinary2020years

Technology related

In early 2019, it feels like the front end technology iteration is really dropping fast ~

Especially in 2020, the big version update of front-end technology (vue3, webpack5, react17) increases the cost of learning front-end technology.

  • By their own curiosity to new technology, vuE3 source code for reading, and summed up the relevant technical articles

  • Meanwhile, I learned REact17 and used reactHooks to complete the mall project development of Gitee air tickets

  • Expand JS to use TS, and learn ts documentation with React

  • Do more demo, can’t want the brain will, let the hand also learn

  • In terms of technology selection, the solution is not only Can do, but also How do

The capital of revolution

First of all, I would like to thank the strong motherland for strictly controlling the spread and growth of COVID-19

2020 summer (winter is too cold ~, in case of cold 🤧), I also made a fitness plan, every week, must run a 5km. Maintain their own physical fitness, and strive to make themselves into a gao fu shuai, although not rich, high and handsome or some ~

The nuggets are related

Joined the Nuggets this year and learned a lot about the nuggets’ skills

While learning, I also output 9 articles with a reading volume of 43000+

Enjoy the process of looking up information while writing and discussing technical points with others afterwards

For lack of

Having said what I did in 2020, now LET’s talk about the shortcomings I personally feel

  • Basic knowledge is not enough, focus on data structures and algorithms

  • Technology can not be bogged down, three points heat

Looking ahead to 2021, LiFlag

  • Continue to carry out my rich handsome plan, weight up and down no more than 5KG

  • Learn at least 10 articles in nuggets output, focusing on react source code

  • Read two front-end related books (You Don’t Know javascript, The Little Red Book 4th Edition)


I hope my flag isn’t in the back of my head when I read this article in 2021

Denver annual essay | 2020 technical way with me The campaign is under way…