• State of Frontend 2020 Report – Frontend Development trends by tsh.io
  • Authors: The Software House, Vercel, DAZN, Honeyspot, Onely
  • The Nuggets translation Project
  • Permanent link to this article: github.com/xitu/Annual…
  • Translator: Hoarfroster
  • Proofread by: LSvih, HumanBeingXenon, Usualminds

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1. Developers

This is a survey of 4,500 respondents, which makes us the largest front-end development survey in the world.

When we started talking about this front-end research report for 2020, I had one goal firmly in mind: TO find out what it’s like to be a front-end developer on a daily basis.

Given that there are thousands of front-end developers dotted around the world, this goal seems rather unrealistic, like a mirage. But folks, the front-end community has surprised us once again!!

Over the course of a few weeks, 4,500 front-end developers participated in our front-end health survey. I actually had this number in my hand, because I literally couldn’t relax, sitting quietly in front of the screen, staring at the rising number and seizing the perfect moment to close the survey. I take responsibility for that number, so to speak, as if I had my finger on a nuke button. I don’t know about you, but personally, I think the numbers are surprisingly perfect — 4,500 people filled out the survey. The front-end survey is probably the largest annual report on front-end development in history.

To sum up, for success, we launched this has more than four thousand front-end developer participation, tell us about their daily work, they are using frameworks, and they want to use, but because the boss a gun staring helplessly at the back can’t use) framework, as well as their ideas about recent front-end development trend. The results of this survey were really perfect, and we got some surprising data, most of it thought-provoking. All these data, perfect presentation of the front-end of the daily development of the status quo.

To make all of this data more intuitive and vivid, we’ve had the pleasure of asking software development gurus to explain and comment on the findings. They bring their expertise and macro perspective to the State of Front-end Development 2020 report. And that’s where this latest report on modern front-end development comes in. For that reason, I urge you to stop reading this hyperbolic sketch, take a look at the catalog page, choose the topics that interest you the most and find out what developers and authorities have in common. Please believe me, I believe this research report will not let you down!

How long have you been doing front-end development?

How do you feel about your qualifications?

What is the size of the company you are working for?

2. The framework Frameworks

There’s no denying React is the dominant design concept and style in development today

When you look at the results of the front-end survey, one thing is absolutely certain: React dominates today’s JavaScript framework design style. But at the same time, it looks like the next generation of responsive frameworks is emerging as an alternative to the React ecosystem tilt. They are also becoming compatible with TypeScript, which is used by a growing number of people.

For the past few years, JavaScript developers have been gravity-driven by leading frameworks like React, vue. js, and Angular. Angular, by contrast, has lost a lot of fans because of the Ivy compiler drag. Similarly, developer interest in Vue has been sitting on the shelf for some time, again only because of the delayed release of Vue 3.0. This helped React consolidate its dominance as a JavaScript framework with a 74.2% share (the percentage of frameworks used in the survey). That’s more than Angular and vue.js combined.

That doesn’t mean, however, that the React community will remain in the world forever. Now, a profound change is taking place in our world: recently, when developers began to abandon Redux, a big change took place. We can already see that more people use React Context interfaces and hooks for state management (49.6%) than Redux (48.2%) — of course, some still use both, but the trend is still extremely significant. Also, as a small note, when discussing the importance of large JavaScript frameworks, it is important not to forget that jQuery, which is rarely talked about, is still the most widely deployed JavaScript library on the Web.

So what about the future of JavaScript? We are very interested in next-generation reactive frameworks like Svelte, which aim to provide responsiveness on top of regular DOM structures. Meanwhile, another contender is Stencil, a framework that focuses on Web widgets and (like Svelte) efficient compilation. Of course, Dojo has been reinvigorated. As a responsive typescript-first framework, it promises smart defaults and a faster, more convenient experience right out of the box. Some believe that these next-generation frameworks may be better suited for smaller applications. In the case of building large applications, additional work is required. Indeed, they provide a much smaller default application dependency package size, because they don’t need to be compatible with older features as some frameworks do. In addition, they conform very well to modern browser standards and language features.

This is why we need to discuss the importance of TypeScript’s growth. Currently 77.2% of respondents use TypeScript and most are more interested in it than JavaScript. To be honest, many frameworks are improving their support for TypeScript, and many projects are starting to rewrite TypeScript entirely, The same applies to published frameworks (such as React and Angular) as well as a number of cross-generational frameworks (particularly Stencil and Dojo).

As these changes take place, I look forward to seeing what happens next in the JavaScript framework space. One thing’s for sure: The React is the reigning ruler of the world, and there are already a number of contenders vying for the React throne in the framework realm.

Which of the following frameworks have you used in the past year?

Which of the following frameworks would you prefer to continue using or want to learn from in the future?

What solution would you use for state management?

Have you used TypeScript in the last year?

Do you think TypeScript is better than JavaScript?

What do you see as the future of TypeScript?

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