Listed above are the tools to use in this reverse

  • MonkeyDev or IPAPatch
  • HookZz

Origin of things

  • Recently my circle of friends is full of World Cup! Almost every fake football fan is watching the World Cup live! There are warm-hearted friends issued the World Cup live App(CCTV video and audio iOS) link! I clicked on it, but you had to watch the 60-second commercial before you could watch it live. As iOS reverse enthusiasts, decided to do something for the majority of fans ---- that is to remove advertising

  • Evidence chart with 60 ads

Now let’s talk about the reverse process and the idea

Train of thought

  • Because only to CCTV video App advertising! So the idea is simple (leave the object associated with the AD empty)

The reverse process

First step dynamic analysis

  • Print the function call using HookZZ’s objc_msgSend module
  • Focus only on classes that begin with Ad
  • Here’s the code
void objc_msgSend_pre_call(RegState *rs, ThreadStackPublic *ts, CallStackPublic *cs, const HookEntryInfo *info) {
    char *selector = (char *)rs->ZREG(1);
    id tmpObject = (id)rs->ZREG(0);
    Class tmpClass  = object_getClass(tmpObject);
    if(! tmpClass)return;
    const char *className               = class_getName(tmpClass);
    if(! strstr(className,"Ad") && !strstr(className, "Home")) {
    memset(decollators, The '-', 512);
    if (ts->size * 3 >= 512)
    decollators[ts->size * 3] = '\ 0';
    printf("[OCMethodMonitor|%ld] %s [%s %s]\n", ts->thread_id, decollators, className, selector);
Copy the code
  • Briefly show what the objc_msgSend module of HookZz prints
    • CNAdPlayerView
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --- [CNAdPlayerView beatHandleForTime:] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------ [CNAdPlayerView  adTime] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------ [CNAdPlayerViewsetSurplusSec:] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------- [CNAdPlayerView adPlayerUIKit] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------ [CNAdPlayerView queuePlayer] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------ [CNAdPlayerView indexForPlayerItem:] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------- [CNAdPlayerView playItems] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------- [CNAdPlayerView  playItems] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------ [CNAdPlayerView playerEventType:value:] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------- [CNAdPlayerView delegate] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------- [CNAdPlayerView delegate] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------- [CNAdPlayerView delegate] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------ [CNAdPlayerView playDelayTime] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------- [CNAdPlayerView adPlaying] [OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------- [CNAdPlayerView adTimeout]Copy the code
    • AdsameBannerView

[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------------ [AdsameBannerView alloc]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------------ [AdsameBannerView initWithFrame:]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------------- [AdsameBannerView setClipsToBounds:]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------------- [AdsameBannerView setSlotStr:]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------------- [AdsameCubeMaxSDK sharedSDK]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------------- [AdsameCubeMaxSDK def_volume]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------------- [AdsameCubeMaxSDK sharedSDK]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------------- [AdsameCubeMaxSDK m_isMute]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] --------------- [AdsameBannerView setIsOrderedBannerPaused:]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------------ [AdsameBannerView setIsUsingCache:]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------------ [AdsameBannerView setCId:]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------------ [AdsameBannerView setSlotStr:]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------------ [AdsameBannerView setIsUserExposure:]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------------ [AdsameBannerView setParentSDK:]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------------ [AdsameBannerView setDelegateBanner:]
[OCMethodMonitor|7341845312] ------------ [AdsameBannerView setIsRetina:]

Copy the code
  • There are other classes with Ad that I don’t want to list

Step 2: Write hook code

  • Return nil for the class initialization code associated with Ad
// See

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>


%hook AdsameBannerView
- (AdsameBannerView*)initWithFrame:(id)arg1{
	return nil;

%hook CNAdPlayerView

	return nil;

%hook CNADPlayerUIKit
-(CNADPlayerUIKit *)initWithFrame:(id)arg1{
	return nil;

%hook AdMasterMobileTracking
	return nil;
	return nil;

Copy the code

Step 3 pack and re-sign

  • MonkeyDev or IPAPatch use the first one, and the second one is fine

Finally, attach the IPA link without the advertisement ()

Git source

The last

  • Thank you for reading my article in your busy schedule

Finally send you a Alipay red envelope

  • Open the home page of Alipay and search “8074157” to get a red envelope